Why do we avoid stopping the leaks?
We are close to an implosion, I suspect in the world, but I can best comment on the UK. We are on the brink of another financial crisis, created not by price increases, but by greed increases.
I keep hearing of "the perfect storm" and if you
That to me is the perfect storm that leads to over 2 million people relying on food banks, millions in work BUT below the poverty line, that leads to people relying on debt to exist and to support the wealth growth of the world at the expense of the many.
We live in a society that purports to care and be caring yet is tinged with greed and ego not real compassion. It pains me to see, meet and know people who are doing little more than surviving and others who are living in splendour.
I look to create opportunities and resources that will encourage trust, compassion, caring, respect and understanding. People (including children) that can follow their dreams and become the passionate carers and achievers - not in terms of £'s but in terms of their own and others happiness.
Let's focus on this, not on creating more financial wealth for those who are already too comfortable with their lot.