Why Do We Allow Others Define Our Narratives?
By Dan Harkey,Educator & Private Money Finance Consultant | c: 949 533 8315 | e: dan@danharkey.com

Why Do We Allow Others Define Our Narratives?

Each of us is fully capable of forming opinions about ourselves, family, and life experiences. The education of state, national, and world events and politics that we receive from mainstream media outlets dramatically affects the outcome.

What if all media outlets were precisely honest, strictly factual, forthright, and presented only accurate information? If truth were the norm, reading and listening to the news would allow us to develop a well-thought-out and reasonable frame of reference. Critical thought and rational outcomes would be the norm. The American way of life would be more honest and rational. Mutual trust would be reestablished.

A truthful media is appealing, although illusionary. We could connect facts, identify exaggerations, and outright lies to form thoughts and develop our frame of reference.

A rational frame of reference cannot be developed when we are constantly bombarded by propaganda-based lies and illusions from the main street media.?The public is steered like a heard of obedient cattle anxious for the next feeding session.

Media sources modify facts to suit their advertising pocket books, political pursuits, geopolitical interests, and to manipulate social conscientiousness to their favor. How do we respond when mainstream media sources purport to present facts, but only facts run through a propaganda sieve to sway public opinion??How do we respond when absolutely everything we see and hear on mainstream news is a self-serving illusion with a subtext to bombard you with advertising segments?

Critical thinking is the (skeptical) analysis of available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments to form a judgment or opinion. The norm is to question everything, verify facts, and analyze, to create one’s own rational conclusion. Absolutely everything in mainstream media and the education system evades this process. The public is spoon-fed what they are supposed to groupthink and what narrative they are allowed to possess.

Mika Brzezinski from MSNBC recently said that the media’s job is to control what people think--controlling what people think is a significant responsibility for intended exploitation. Mika complained that Elon Musk’s purchase of the social media platform Twitter and his stated desire to eliminate the cancel culture and cultural and social biases was terrible for the media. ?His stated objective is to convert the venue into an unbiased free speech platform.

Mika’s quote: “The dangerous edges here are that he is trying to undermine the media, trying to make up his own facts, and it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsen, he could have undermined the message so much that he can control exactly what people think.?That is our job.”?Her co-host, Joe Scarborough, replies, “Yeah.”

Even CNN “media analyst” David Zurawik proclaimed that Musk is “dangerous” and should not be allowed to restore free speech on the Twitter platform.

“There’s a bigger problem here about how we’re going to control the channels of communications in this country,”

“You need regulation. You cannot let these guys control discourse in this country, or we are headed to hell,”

The proposition that CNN may not be able to dictate what the American people should hear or believe is a wake-up call. ?Do we need media to help us interpret what is real, or is it strictly propaganda??

Six large media corporations control ninety percent of everything we watch, read, or listen to.?Comcast, Disney, AT&T, Sony, Fox, and Paramount Global control the media. These media outlets very tightly control everything that is disseminated. They disseminate ideological and well-thought-out propaganda, always with an advertising agenda and profit motive.??The pursuit of advertising dollars is paramount.

Investigative journalism and potentially newsworthy stories must pass through a tightly controlled sieve for corporate conditional acceptance.?Be “damned” with truth and what is best for the public. With the new wonk ideology so pervasive, it is no wonder that society does not entirely meltdown.

Big tech also participates in an ideological-driven “propaganda machine and cancel culture.” Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft, and others use algorithms to determine whether your content is acceptable to them.?Accept any means of conformance to the hegemonic narrative, or your account will be disabled, canceled, or spanked for “spreading disinformation.” ?“Conform to the approved narrative,” or you will become isolated and considered an outsider or a “domestic terrorist.”

Manipulation of public opinion and strategic propaganda programs have been around since the inception of this country. Here is an excellent article.


Big tech has transformed into a collectivist monopoly by becoming the long arm of the U.S. government. Below is another excellent article on the subject.


I believe that the “cancel culture” and the “woke culture” are currently gasping for their last breaths, and both will shortly be dead ducks. The American public has been awakened. Pre-scripted craziness designed for control, manipulation, and removing individual sovereignty are now opposed by the majority.


Why do you suppose that mainstream media has become so manipulative? Is it because they desire to create emotional anxiety and fear? Is the real purpose for control and advertising dollars??Focusing on the “pretend bad guys,” the media will redirect public attention away from the “real bad guys.” Mainstream media is quick to focus on “Trump, Putin, Ukraine, pandemics, vaccines that are not real vaccines, booster shots, racial Inequities, gender inequities, rising oceans, and climate change.” It reveals how the media dropped the stale 24/7 news pandemic narrative when the new bad guy on the block, Putin, showed up at the appropriate time. Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown (Putin) is back in town just in time to take the focus off the phony pandemic. All-time great song by Jim Croce.


In coordination with large corporations, big-tech, and state actors, and the mainstream media collectively works very hard to influence and shape hegemonic narratives. They work tirelessly to silence opposing opinions. They also deny the existence of opposing opinions to legitimize their incumbency and nation/state-building efforts. Also, the administrative state has the self-subscribed mandate to continuously grow and increase intrusions. ?Status Quo is the objective.

The real bad guys where public attention is most needed are:

1)??Poor federal and state governance,

2) Growth in the size of governments,

3)?Government Interference in Personal Lives,

4)?People subjected to constant propaganda,

5)?Police State,

6)?Abusive and exploitive Regulations,


8)??High federal, state, and local taxation,

9)??Digitalization of Everything,

10)??Medical establishment tyranny,

11)?Techno tyranny for surveillance,

12)?Education establishment tyranny creating compliant and submissive students,

13)??Loss of individual freedoms,

14)??Loss of personal sovereignty,

15)?Uncontrolled immigration, which creates a new welfare and subsidized housing cohort. 70% of incoming illegal immigrants go on welfare, free medical care, and subsidized housing. Nothing is free.?The taxpayers are responsible for this cost.?

The top 1% of the economic spectrum now has 60% of all U.S. Wealth.?The top two financial corporations, Blackrock ($9.6 trillion) and Vanguard ($7.2 trillion), combined $16.6 trillion under management, while the entire gross domestic product is $23 trillion.

The government doctors over all U.S. financial problems by issuing unlimited amounts of fiat currency into the system, which has created the biggest Ponzi scheme that the world has ever known.?“The bubble of everything” is pervasive. And to think the U.S. government has no intention of ever paying the debt back but merely eroding the value by systematically controlled inflation.

Systemic dollar debasement is preplanned. The result is that the bottom 99% of folks in the U.S. financial spectrum are struggling to keep up.

How about the government borrowing from future generations to pay for today’s binge spending priorities such as Build Back Better, Faster, and Quicker? How about paying off your political friends to ensure reliable votes? ?How about the safety-net Social Security Trust Funds for current and future retirees which have been misappropriated, and no provisions have been made to pay forward the costs of retirees? Many retirees who expected a comfortable retirement are now forced to continue working.

The U.S. Government should immediately cancel its war against its people. Will It happen just because one person suggested it, “NO”?

We could have a community meeting to list one hundred practical priorities: ?retire national debt, increase living standards for everyone, make our streets safe, rein in medical tyranny, and allow the U.S. to regain dignity and respect worldwide.?But none of these improvements would be implemented because national and world Oligarchs, Mega-Corporations, Techno Fascist, and medical establishments will not see significant profits in the changes. Since they control the government, nothing will happen.?The (cartels) controls the government through lobbying, donations, and planting principal corporate officers into top government employment positions.

Number one change out of the one hundred on the list of practical solutions is that unless the Federal Government balances cash coming in from all forms of taxation with all forms of operating expenses going out all Executive Branch and Congress members will not get paid. The government should be forced to balance the budget.

The American people have wised up to the reality that the current government is not about how to raise standards of living and expand the concept of individual freedom for all.?Historical freedoms were about:

1)?Of the People,

2)?By the People,

3)?For the People.

President Lincoln borrowed this now famous three-part phrase. In 1384, John Wycliff wrote in the prologue to his transaction of the Bible. “The Bible is for the Government of the People, by the People, and for the People.” The three-part phrase has now been copied by many politicians.

The folks understand that the concept of governance has changed. ?Governance has changed:

1)???Stick it to the people,

2)??Manipulate the people,

3)??Take it from the people,

4)??Persecute people who resist.??

The current system of governance is especially harsh against people who can think critically and can create their own narratives. ?The U.S. Government currently has the greatest propaganda machine in the history of the world. Awareness that the mainstream media, social media, technocrats, and the government constantly attempts to sway public opinion may result in you becoming suspect of wrongdoing. We are expected to remain unaware and submissive. ?Recognition of deceptive propaganda techniques and the active rejection of same should become a national pushback mantra. Reject them all.

Let’s work together to regain our country, constitutional rights, and our freedoms.

Thank You

Dan Harkey


