Why do the U.S. government and military believe Elon Musk's fantasy creative accounting claims that his Starship only costs a million to launch? etc..
The calculus for NASA at the moment is the difference between having Elon’s Starship or relying on Russian technology,
Thanks to Grover Norquist’s “starve the beast” agenda since 1981. The development of commercial Aerospace is the conrner stone of Eisenhower’s process to transform the Military Industrial Complex to an economic configuration that can sustain a lunar colony for 100 years, if not forever. That economic configuration will look very much like 2001: A Spce Odyssey if you replace the Pan Am logo for SpaceX.
Thanks to Project 2025 (and the liberal tree huggers of antifa) we are at least 43 years behind the curve. Elon Musk is an industrial genius but he has the strategic vision of Tommy Tuberville.
In contrast. Biden/Harris Build Back Better capital budget is rapidily completing Stage 2 of Eisehnhower’s transformation process from the Military Industrial Complex to the Starship Capilatism of 2001: A Space Odyssey and the mobilization of Gen Z to grow the Green New Deal at the core of the transformation is already underway,
Trump had the opportunity to end the Korean War, but, at Hanoi, his vanity was more important to him than his Presidential Legacy, He’s been on a losing streak ever since.
At the moment. Elon Musk wanst to double down on that losing streak, but the opportunity to end the Korean War still exists, which reprsents a huge opportunity of SpaceX. And, in my calculus, whats good for SpaceX in that regards will be good for NASA in the strategic objective of creating a robust commerical aerospace capacity.
To be fair, Trump’s most imporant Prsidential legacy at the moment is the creation of the US Space Force. Commerce follows the flag.
The second most important Trump legacy will be voter turn out in November. It will be the turning of a generational page.
Owner at Solar Electric Energy Systems
3 个月read the gospel of John……