Why Do "They" Speak So Fast!
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Why Do "They" Speak So Fast!

"How do you understand what they said?" "What did you do to pick up the language so well?"

These are the most asked questions I get on a daily basis. But early on, my response was always the same to both questions: "I honestly don't know." ????

Who wants to hear that as a response? That's why I knew I needed a more in depth response, but I also knew I wanted to provide strategies to help others improve their listening skills in Spanish. So, in 2017, I started on that journey to provide more insight.

In April 2023, research had revealed that Spanish is the second fastest spoken language in the world with 7.82 SPS (syllables/second) only behind Japanese.

You should also know that on average, a native Spanish speaker speaks 25% faster than the average native English speaker. This is the overall common struggle for native English speakers and the disconnect with understanding spoken Spanish.

So here are three strategies you can implement to strengthen your listening skills in Spanish.

Quick & Easy To Do Options

  • Increase the playback speed on voice notes/messages you receive in English.

This is a quick and effective strategy that will train your ear to become accustomed to the speed/rate of spoken Spanish.

  • Select a "telenovela for instruction" to start training your ear for the speed/rate at TODAY, which Spanish is spoken.

Try 3-5 series of various telenovelas before jumping into a "made for television" version

  • Access as many Spanish "read along" short stories as you can! Oftentimes these stories have built-in "repeat" options, comprehension activities, and some even provide pronunciation practice along with providing a translation.

Although this last one may seem "childlike" or "tedious", it's one of my favorites because it works two-fold.

The Number 1 Option

Of course the #1 Option is to be fully immersed in the language by living in a Spanish-speaking country for an extended period. However, that's not necessarily an option for many of us once this thing called "life" happens.

Even for me, so I had to incorporate the first 2 options on a daily basis for years! I'm talking about as far back as cassette tapes & VHS tapes. It wasn't until late in life that I had the opportunity to live in Spanish-speaking countries.

The SECRET? Use your surroundings/community to help accomplish your Spanish acquisition goals.

"Una celebración"

Profe's Power Tip


The true secret to becoming a better Spanish-speaker, isn't about how many days you've completed on a particular "language app", or how long you log into a platform. Being able to acquire Spanish requires self-motivation, determination, and focus.

I know you’ve heard this cliché statement in many didn't facets, but let me drive it home so it sticks.

In order for someone who drinks high-sugar products or is a beer connoisseur, the road to a "six pack" (of abs) is going to require hard work and dedication. There is often a combination of things they must do to accomplish such a feat, correct?

It's the same with improving your ability to interpret Spanish. Do not fret or get frustrated if your level of comprehension is nonexistent or extremely low in the early stages. It's natural for it to be without any previous training.

Putting in the work and dedication of the 3 Strategies above, as well as incorporating any additional tips & and strategies you come across on your language journey will develop that Spanish "six pack" in no time!

Should you ever decide you want to join me for classes, please do not hesitate to contact me.


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