Why Do So Many Relationships End In Disaster?
Six Ways To Ensure Yours Don’t

Why Do So Many Relationships End In Disaster? Six Ways To Ensure Yours Don’t

Why Do So Many Relationships End In Disaster? Six Ways To Ensure Yours Don’t

Relationships have the capacity to enrich both our personal and our professional life.

Creating and sustaining loving relationships is incredibly important for most of us.?So why is it that we live in times when the divorce rate has never been higher, where so many partnerships break down leaving people feeling emotionally battered, bruised and unhappy?

Why is it that a breakdown in the relationships within families has become so prevalent, leaving both parent and children feeling neglected or frustrated and siblings who have no contact for years?

Why is it that many relationships at work between boss and worker and team members are often stressful and unsatisfactory for all parties?

I’ve worked with people as individuals, couples, families, teams and organizations for over thirty years. I have identified a number of common patterns which have the capacity to tear people apart and cause huge distress and misery.?Get them sorted and the result is positive, caring relationships at work based on mutual respect, and loving relationships within families and with your significant other.?

It makes sense to ensure your relationships are based on empowering principles:

No 1??Every relationship you have with others is a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself.?

If you love yourself, it is far less likely that you will accept bullying, abusive or disrespectful behaviour towards you, from others.

Self-worth, self-esteem, self-care and confidence are dependent on having a positive belief in yourself and your intrinsic worth in yourself just as you are. You are enough!!

Very small children are oblivious to the pressures that comparisons and failure bring. When learning to walk, failure is a non-issue.?They may cry for a moment after they fall but their determination to succeed has them trying again and again until they succeed.?There is no concern whether their bottoms look good in their nappy they are too busy exploring the world, being curious and ready to learn.

Something happens as dis-empowering beliefs become installed.?Children start to compare themselves to others and often find themselves wanting.

Lack of confidence and self-esteem are at epidemic proportions. Children appear to believe earlier and earlier that they don’t measure up and for many that belief colours their whole lives negatively. The constant barrage of air brushed photos, images of models who eat nothing to stay anorexically thin and of celebrities who have a huge stable of people ensuring that they look good, whilst pretending it is all natural, all contribute to people feeling they are unattractive, un-loveable or unworthy.

The reality is you are a unique, amazing, powerful being – if you choose to be.?We are all writing the script to our life’s story so it makes sense to give ourselves a great role, one of the hero or heroine rather than of the victim.

No 2 - You are the common denominator in every moment of every day.

There is no time when you are not present in your life.?

Consider the repeating patterns of your relationships.?If you are experiencing a positive empowering pattern within your relationships – great, notice what you are doing and keep on doing it.

However, if you consistently experience challenging relationships and you want something different, something more satisfying it is important to look at yourself and consider how your behaviours have contributed to the ongoing pattern.?

No 3 -Everything you do is a choice.

Everything you say and do, how and when you say it or whether you say it at all, is your choice. Not choosing is in reality a choice and every choice has consequences.

95% of our thoughts are habitual.?Our thoughts drive our beliefs, our emotions and our behaviours. There is the potential for huge problems within a relationship when both parties are in habitual thinking mode. E.g. One person use a tone of voice which triggers the other – perhaps it reminds them of being nagged by a critical parent or teacher. They respond (without conscious thought) aggressively and in turn trigger a response from the other person. In reality it is like lighting the fuse on an explosive device as the resulting argument is completely disproportionate to the current situation.

It makes sense to choose our thoughts actively – to be mindful. If you want a better quality of life it makes absolute sense to think better, more empowering thoughts.

It is your choice whether you stay stuck in the same old, same old or same old or not.?If you want a different result you have to do something different and you have to take consistent action.??

No 4 – The only person you are wholly responsible for is you

You are responsible for your own wellbeing, physical, emotional and spiritual.?You are responsible for everything you say or do, how and when you say or do it, whether you say or do nothing.?

If you hand over the responsibility for your wellbeing to someone else, you have to put up with what they chose for you.?Many people hand over their emotional state to others.?Their happiness or sense of self- esteem is then dependent on how others treat them, their emotional state entirely conditional on the mood of others.?

When you give someone else the power over your wellbeing it puts you into victim mode.?

No 5 The only person you can change is you

If something isn’t going as you would like – look to yourself first rather than blaming the other person.?

You cannot change anyone else – the only person you have power over is yourself.?Yet many people become partners believing they will be able to change their partners and become very disappointed when it fails to work.

Unless someone wants to change it is very difficult to get them to engage in the process.?However, when you change the way you react and respond to someone, it is common to find they begin to respond differently.?If you want to create any change you have to start with yourself.

No 6 - It is important to learn the lessons from the past

It is interesting how often people have one relationship after another, each of which start well but quickly begins to fade before failing spectacularly.?I know from working with clients that in such cases there are often patterns of repeated behaviours which made failure the most likely outcome.

Most people are prepared to look (at times in detail) at the patterns of behaviour of the other person but less prepared to look at their own behaviours which may have contributed to the situation.?It is here that the gold lies.

By taking responsibility for your own actions and looking for the lessons that are within such patterns you can make the changes required to create a very different result.

Stepping into your power gives you the opportunity to choose.?You can decide how you want to feel and what you want to do.?

It takes courage to be honest with yourself, but this is about developing an awareness, without which you are powerless to do anything to change things for the present and the future.

See below for more articles and assistance - or get in touch with me directly.



