Why do so many businesses try to please everyone with their employee medical plan?
It seems that many times critical employee medical plan decisions are put off to avoid change of any kind. When in fact, change is the magic sauce to get away from the status quo insurance plans that have robbed businesses and their employees of hard-earned income.
This reminds me of a story I read in a book called Traction by Gino Wickman. I can’t illustrate the point I want to make any better than this does, so I’m going to repeat it here for you:
A mother, her young son, and their donkey are taking a long journey through the countryside. The mother is riding the donkey with the son walking alongside as they enter a village. All of a sudden, the village people gather and start stoning them. The pair run away and manage to escape.
The mother is dumbfounded, and as they approach the next village, she thinks, “Maybe they thought it was inappropriate to have the son walk”, so they switch places and prepare to enter. But once again, they’re stoned by the village people.
At a loss, she thinks, “Maybe it’s the donkey. Maybe they worship donkeys in this country.” So before entering the next village, they decide to pick up the donkey and carry it, but it proves so heavy that as they cross a bridge, the donkey falls over the side, lands in the river, and drowns.
What’s the moral of the story? If you try to please everyone, you’re going to lose your ass!
So, are you losing your ass with your employee medical plan? If you’re not razor-focused on your three-to-five-year plan, then you probably are. If you’re trying to please everyone and be all things to all people, then you probably are.
Step away from the status quo fully insured wealth-extracting medical plans and have a conversation about moving to a high-performance plan like so many of the most successful businesses.