Why do schools get away with this!
Constance Jobin
Seal Team Pavement Maintenance: Asphalt Rejuvenation/Pavement Services/Surrey Board Of Trade/Women's Asphalt Society
The other night I went to my kid's school Christmas concert and was absolutely disgusted in what went on. Not only did they charge money to see your kids sing, but when we arrived at the gym, they said they were sold out of tickets! I watched a few parents get turned down from watching their own children in the Christmas Concert. The parents at first told me that I as well could not get in because they were sold out, and I would not take that as an answer so I made sure I went to the head of the school to speak to them about this.
Notices came home in the school planner that tickets were sold at school as well as the door I explained to the principle, and moments later she came out with how many tickets would I like to buy. She then brought out my tickets so we could watch our children in their show. While in the gym there were 337 seats set up and the 420 capacity notice on the wall. As the show was about to begin we noticed that there were at least a quarter of the seats still empty! Now they had said they were sold out and shunned away other parents who could not watch their children in the show. This is a clear example of how elementary school used their power for the wrong cause. Do they not realize what they are doing not only to the parents but to the children, how sad they must have been. This is the not the first time this year as well that these horrible events have been taking place.
I find this to be so disturbing how a school can charge you money first of all, and they are allowed to do something like that! What about all the parents whom could not afford to pay the ticket price and were not able to watch their child perform in the show, there has to be something we can do to stop this from happening. I feel so horrible that this is going on. Why should schools be allowed to do this!!!