Why Do Sales Managers Fail?
I was going to write a quick article on why salespeople fail but then I realized it's not salespeople failing today, it's managers and leadership
No this is not another article about sales enablement and the need to just provide the sales teams with the right tools...
This is about why so many sales managers and leadership teams have failed to keep up with today's customers
Recently I wrote an article on why buyer enablement is today's new mantra, not sales enablement
The goal today is not to pester customers into submission, it's to provide a quick and easy path to CONFIDENT buying decisions
The more sales managers and leaders I talk to... the more I realize many still don't understand this concept
So....what do many sales leaders do?
Well they go back to what they've always done doubling and tripling down on sales processes that simply do not work today
What's worse is they expect their sales teams and their customer support teams to continue as if nothing much has changed...
"Just double down on paid ads, cold calling and zoom everything because that will work!|
The entire leadership team from ownership down to front-line managers have to be retrained and realigned before the process of re-tooling sales teams can work
In many cases, this is going to mean disruptive changes of the kind that many companies may have a hard time making
While it's always hard to make these changes, look to sports as an example...how long do poorly performing coaches last?
Not long!!!
Sports owners do what must be done and they do it quickly
If you’re not winning...your losing, it's about results, and if you’re not getting them...then begin with your leadership teams
Re-train the trainable and those vested in the process...remove the rest
I still see far too many sales teams struggling and its clear that until leadership, (often sales management), "Gets It" it won't matter what you do with the customer-facing teams as they'll simply follow the actions of their leaders
Time to take a very hard look at how your organization is really working with today's online, digital and real-time customers...
Now to answer the question, why do many sales managers fail?
I believe it's mainly because they often don't communicate directly with customers and buyers as much as they should, relying instead on the data and information coming back from sales teams who as yet have no reason to change
Garbage in, garbage out
There is an enormous amount of data and research to back up what actually has to be done
Digital transformation workshops for your leadership teams will begin the process and clearly show you whose truly onboard and who isn't
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To Contact Thomas:
3 年That's the only way to stop gold degrees .... I have no choice with out that...
Well Operations Professional | Completion, Well Intervention, Production Management, Abandonment, Decommissioning
3 年Had an "executive" realtor in Georgia send me a message to connect yesterday with this note "I'm sure we can do business, let's connect". I thought to myself did you even see where I'm located? What kind of business are we planning on doing. People need to get off this shot in the dark shit and get on a strategy and ffs do your research.
Collector of many things.
3 年That's fantastic Thomas...yes, many things are broken beyond repair and we just need to find new ways that are appropriate for the age in which we live!
“Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
3 年Great piece Thomas I have this a lot over the last few weeks. "We get told to do X, but that doesn't work for me and some others anymore, but what do I do. I think some businesses and leaders idea of what social selling is, is not in the same ballpark as what we deliver and what it can truly mean for an organisation wanting to take the full tilt towards a better business to business relationship, that truly lasts. On social.
SBS Dimensions - India : High-Value Sales Engine Design & Execution Performance Consulting | RIoTS | RENERGIFY | BlockSagar | Global Business
3 年well said, Thomas. "buyer enablement" it is...