Why do resumes inspire fear and discomfort?

Why do resumes inspire fear and discomfort?

I was at a July 4th BBQ, explaining to someone my passion for career coaching. Upon raising the subject of resume writing I could sense a bit of discomfort.

This wasn’t the first time this had happened and knew that many people didn’t?like?updating their resume. But for the word alone to make someone cringe so clearly, demanded a deeper look as to why it is that this document fills many with fear?

And why would some rather waste away in a job and life they hate… rather than just update their resume?

Sounds?dramatic right? But the stakes are real.

After reflecting I came up with this:

We have overidentified with our jobs, and a resume is a reflection of our professional identity. So when someone judges our resume or is quick to shoot it down… it hurts. And it feels personal.

I myself used to experience a sense of shame, guilt, embarrassment, and a general feeling of just not being good enough.

I had accomplished a lot and worked very hard in all facets of my life, and yet…

Just before writing this post, I was editing the resume of a neurosurgeon.

Yes. A. Neurosurgeon.

A man to whom life is literally as complex as brain surgery.

So it intrigued me as to why this accomplished doctor started to squirm and was clearly uncomfortable when we begin discussing his resume.

A resume should inspire a healthy sense of pride. I believe a resume should promote strength drawn from valuable experiences, and inspire faith that there are solutions for any new challenge. In addition, it should communicate, your skills, the results of your effort, and beyond that shine a light on the limitless opportunities that are available.

Regardless of the demographic and psychographic nature of different groups of professionals, one thing I note clearly persists:

The word “resume” in the context of submitting one, sharing one, or updating one, has been enough for folks to give up on new job searches, disregard aspirations of foreign fellowship programs, and basically throw in the towel and just slump over in their seat.

I wonder why this is, and oh do I have many ideas. But in the absence of my answer and analysis, I now turn to you.

How do you feel about your resume? About the word in general? What emotions does it conjure?

If you or anyone you know needs help with their resume please reach out to me at?[email protected].

To offer you my services would be a gift.

Thanks for engaging Sara Pandolfi! As I start figuring out along what lines I want to write and create content on, I find myself reflecting on the many student events we did at NYU.


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