Why Do React Components Need to Start with Capital Letters?

Why Do React Components Need to Start with Capital Letters?

It is likely that you have noticed that component names in React always begin with a capital letter. However, why is that the case?

In JSX, React components are written in a way that gets transformed into plain JavaScript using the React.createElement API, courtesy of Babel. Here's where capitalization plays a key role:

  • JSX and Babel: JSX (JavaScript XML) is a syntax extension that allows you to write HTML-like code inside JavaScript. However, before this code can be executed, Babel transforms it into JavaScript that browsers can understand. This is where capitalization becomes crucial.
  • Capitalized Names as Components: When Babel encounters a name starting with a capital letter, it interprets it as a custom React component. It then converts this into a React Fiber object, which is an essential part of React's internal rendering system. Essentially, capital letters tell React, "Hey, this is a component!"
  • Lowercase for HTML Elements: On the other hand, names that begin with lowercase letters, like <div> or <span>, are interpreted as standard HTML elements. So, if you name your component with a lowercase letter, React will mistakenly treat it as a regular HTML element rather than a custom one.

Why Does This Matter?

If you don’t follow this convention, you could run into bugs or unexpected behavior. For example, naming a component <buttonComponent> instead of <ButtonComponent> might cause React to throw errors or render the component incorrectly. Always capitalize your component names to ensure React recognizes and processes them the way you intend!         

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