Why do people not see that they need help?
Patricia Baronowski-Schneider
IR/PR/Marketing Expert | TEDx Speaker | Bestselling Author | 35+ Yrs Global Expertise | Diverse Industry Specialist | Senior Level Executive Contributor at Brainz Magazine, Newsbreak and Tealfeed
Why do people not see that they need help?
When you are a service provider and people don't seem to think that they need your help, but your experience says that they do - what do you do?
If you're a service provider, it can be frustrating when people don't seem to think they need your help. After all, you have the experience and knowledge to know when someone could benefit from your services. So why don't people see that they need help?
?There are a few possible explanations. First, people may not be aware of the problem or issue that you can help with. They may not realize that there is a solution available, or that your service can provide it. In these cases, education is key. You need to let people know about the problem and how you can help them solve it.
?Another possibility is that people may not want to admit that they need help. This can be for various reasons, such as pride or feeling like they should be able to handle the problem on their own. In these cases, it's important to stress that everyone needs help at some point and that there is no shame in seeking assistance.
?Finally, people may not think they can afford your service. This is a common objection, but it's important to remember that most people value their time and resources. If you can show them how your service will save them time or money in the long run, they may be more likely to see the value in it.
?No matter the reason, it's important to remember that people are often resistant to change. As a service provider, you need to be prepared to overcome these objections and show people how you can help them. With the right approach, you can convince people of the value of your service and help them see that they need your assistance.
?If there are ever any topics that you’d like me to cover, by all means — tell me. I am happy to talk about anything — especially something that will help “you”.
?Contact me to learn how I can help YOU in your Marketing/Investor Relations/Public Relations and Media Relations — I am an expert in my field and can guide you in your marketing endeavors.
?Ask about how my 33+ years of award-winning service can help YOU and YOUR business succeed.
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Patricia Baronowski-Schneider
Tel: 631–756–2486 | Fax: 646–933–0177
E-mail:?[email protected]
Book time on my calendar?https://calendly.com/pbaronowski/30min