As a young girl I watched a lot of sickness. The one person that amazed me the most in my lifetime has been my mother. Why? Because she withheld and went through so much hurt, pain, misery and suffered greatly in her life time more than anyone I ever knew or seen.
She gave a lot to me. For everyone should of taken a page from her book for she always went by NEVER SAY NO! You see my mother had MS Multiple Sclerosis. She never went to a wheel chair,she always did for herself and always said I’m fine. Yet the pain that women went through was unbelievable. When she was first diagnosed with this auto-immune disease we lived in the country and at night she always walked down to the animal water trough because the water was always freezing cold. She would set down on the grass and emerge her arm into that freezing water during warm summer night and freezing winter cold nights. She also received another auto immune disease the nick named deltigaroug never endings in the jay bone.
We lost her to these diseases and a few years ago I was diagnosed with Lupus. You see Lupus and Mulitple Sclerosis fall under the same family. I have searched and dug up and researched again to find something to help me. The doctors (4) all put me on steroids, and high meds . I don’t want to take these they are hard on your stomach your heart liver your kidneys, NO WAY am I living like my mother had. So I dug some more I finally found internet marketing. This company that I have found post there results to the public for us to see. It’s no secret. They want you to know what is in the product and how the product is made, and where it is made. It is pure with NO HARMFUL ingredients.
For my disease LUPUS this product has not only changed my life IT HAS SAVED MY LIFE. I only wish my mother could have experienced and received such great pain relief as I have with this product. For you can see what it gives you.