Why do people have knee jerk reactions when I’m trying to help?

Why do people have knee jerk reactions when I’m trying to help?

Why do people have knee jerk reactions when I’m trying to help?

The flight or fight response may be coming into play. Dictionary.com defines the fight-or-flight response as "the response of the of the sympathetic nervous system to a stressful event, preparing the body to fight or flee”.

Often when we try to begin a conversation in sales (or we are just trying to help in some way) we have thought through what we want to express. However, the person we plan on speaking with isn’t ready, they are not in a logical mindset when we first approach them, and the primitive part of humankind's mind is likely still deciding if we are some sort of threat. Is there a risk, do I need to flee or fight?

I’ve found starting a conversation with a short, non-threatening story gives the other person a chance to get past this “wall” and allows us to connect on a more equal level. I can follow-up with questions that relate to the story but make it about them, then become more pointed in our approach asking specific probing questions (to avoid assuming we actually know what will help without knowing all the details).

Have you seen this in action yourself? I would love to hear your story.


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