Why “Do It” Mode Isn’t Doing It For You

Why “Do It” Mode Isn’t Doing It For You

What you think of as efficiency mode is actually emergency mode.

I want to talk for a minute about “Do It” mode. You know, that place you get into where nothing is more important than what you are doing and everything else has to give way.

I want to point out that while, for some of us, “do it” mode feels like a natural state of being, it isn’t.

“Do it” mode is actually an emergency mental, emotional, and energetic state. It is meant to be used in actual emergencies — not every day life. It is meant to help you overcome physical adversities by focusing all your energy in a particular direction to save your life.

When we engage it all the time several things happen:

  1. We forget other people have feelings too
  2. We dump huge amounts of adrenaline into our system — when we do this regularly, eventually we will hit adrenal fatigue.
  3. Cortisol floods our bodies making it damn near impossible to lose weight.
  4. We forget that WE have feelings other than stress and anger.
  5. And, as a result, we exhaust ourselves

“Do it” mode is addictive. It feels good to get things done so fast and efficiently. We think it’s a refuge from the stress, but it’s actually creating the stress.

Breaking it is a process. It requires taking our noses off the grindstone and seeing what is going on around us and in us every now and again. But the more we do it, the more we begin to unwind the coiled spring inside.

What’s happening in your world — not in your business? (FYI — the harder it is for you to answer this question, the more stuck in Do It mode you are.)

Take your nose off the grindstone for a moment and look around you. There’s a whole world out there.

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Kelle Sparta is a Transformational Shaman specializing in helping empaths build lives and businesses they can love. She is also the host of the popular?Spirit Sherpa Podcast. If you are an empath and you’re having trouble separating yourself from other’s emotions, download her free?Boundaries for Empaths program. You can find out more about Kelle at?www.KelleSparta.com.


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