Using mobile devices for work operations in different industries is common practice, especially in banking, parcel delivery, restaurants, etc. The touch functionality makes those applications even more feasible and easy to use. But the problem is these touch devices are not so carefully used and often get damaged due to mishandling. Mobile touch devices are usually deployed in service companies and used by frequently changing or untrained staff.

These situations lead to increased demand for?durable touchscreens?for mobile applications used in different workplace settings. Over the years, A D Metro has been the frontrunner in supplying robust touchscreen solutions for these mobile and many other touch devices. Their armored resistive touch solution, popular as ULTRA resistive touchscreens, is the top pick among the various available options on the market.

But why do these touch devices stress over durability? How do ULTRA resistive touchscreens support the demand? Find answers here.

Scratch & Impact-Resistant:

Industrial-use mobile devices are frequently used by inexperienced, changing staff who don’t handle the touch screen with the utmost care as required. Waiters and parcel delivery employees are mostly in a hurry and pay little attention to their job equipment and sometimes use sharp pointed tools to operate the device or carry it casually, causing scratches on the screen. Moreover, their carelessness often results in the dropping of mobile devices. Hence, touchscreens must be scratch and impact-resistant so the work is not hampered in case of mishandling and support seamless work operations.

Waterproof & Contaminants Resistant:

Another issue with using mobile touch devices is water and various contaminants exposure. Parcel delivery staff has to go out even if it is raining; on the other hand, waiters might spill a drink on the device’s screen, or it may be contaminated in any other way. But the touch application must function without any impairment. Water or other contaminants, such as dust, dirt, chemical, etc., must not interrupt the functions of touch devices. Earlier, polyester (PET) front surface layers in standard resistive touchscreens were not resilient and easily damaged due to frequent contact with moisture and wetness. Therefore, the demand for durable touchscreens has risen more than ever.

How do A D Metro’s ULTRA Resistive Touchscreens offer Durable Solutions?

ULTRA resistive touchscreens are constructed with a borosilicate glass surface featuring a hardness of 6.5 Mohs. This tough glass surface is able to withstand scratches, abrasion, and fall impact. ULTRA is based on pressure-activated technology for operations and can be activated with a force of less than 80g. In fact, ULTRA resistive touchscreens are designed meticulously for improper handling and carelessness. This allows operating the device with a stylus or bare or gloved fingers, even with scratches and abrasions on the screen, for smooth mobile data collection.

When it comes to contamination and water resistance, A D Metro’s patented ULTRA resistive touchscreens offer impeccable functions and are considered the most?durable touchscreens?for industrial usage. This innovative range of touch sensor technology is completely waterproof and can be reliably operated underwater for a long time. Due to its water and moisture-proof external glass layer, ULTRA is immune to water exposure. There is no possibility for moisture to migrate through ULTRA’s Glass switch layer. Furthermore, cleaning the touch devices poses no problem with ULTRA resistive touchscreens, as even chemicals do not affect the strong surface.


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