Bhavesh Ratanpal
Digital Product Manager | Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast | RYTTC 500 Certified Yoga Teacher
Mature Souls don’t want to be in a relationship just to have a partner. They need love to grow together.
Have you heard this before?
Have you ever felt as if you are not meant to be here and have a higher purpose? Well, you are not alone.
Since I started writing again, I decided to be vulnerable and share my thoughts, my insecurities as well as my approach towards facing them to my readers!
Before we begin, I would like to point out my interest in the subject of spirituality. I strongly believe that we as individuals are spiritual beings experiencing human life instead of humans living a spiritual experience.
Over the entire span of 13.5 billion years (estimated life of Universe based on current understanding of humans), humans live barely 70 to 100 years based on their location and circumstances. Given such a short lifespan, it is natural to believe that a spiritual lifespan extends over multiple human births! These are some proven facts rather than an imaginary claim. Otherwise, just ask yourself this simple question. When a child (a typical toddler between age 3 to 5 years old) is sitting at an edge of chair, why are they afraid of falling?
If they never fall before this, how does a kid know if it will hurt after falling? Isn’t it a thought provoking thought?
As per Vedanta philosophy, as soon as an individual is born, they start accumulating a unique set of experiences over a period of their existence called “vasana patches”. These are some impressions formed on their subconscious. Consider it like a layer of dust gathered on a glass surface. Even though the glass will not mix with the dust, the existence of dust does not allow the glass to pursue its true nature of being crystal clear! So is the state of an old soul who has accumulated impressions over a period of time! These souls have had many previous experiences and that is why they want to optimally utilize their time on planet Earth to evolve and to fulfill their purpose. Here are a few points where you may find resemblance, it is highly likely that you are also an old school matured soul
Mature Souls come to this World with a purpose, a mission, and often believe that an engagement with a partner could distract them from fulfilling this task. Before seeking love from a partner, they prioritize their personal evolution and understanding of your life mission. As love requires a lot of attention and dedication, they end up leaving the most mundane love relationships aside, unless it is the ideal companion, complementary and related to the purpose to be manifested, in which case, the meeting occurs through Divine Alchemy.
Albert Einstein was a prime example of such category! Despite of being a genius of the century, his love life was always in shambles. Despite of knowing the theoretical definition of love, his practical implications had disastrous turn of events. That’s why I would like to use his quotes related to love to elaborate on my subject.
Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it. Love is gravity because it makes some people feel attracted to others. Love is power because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness — Albert Einstein
People who are matured spiritually, do not adapt well to conventional encounters. For them, this is all very superficial, they like real encounters, people who know each other deeply, show themselves, connect with their Soul and have similar Energies.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves — Albert Einstein
They regard sex as a sacred action instead of just an act of pleasure. Unfortunately, these types of encounters are not frequent today as people usually talk through apps and dating platforms. This eliminates the probability of knowing their counterpart first hand increases the difficulty of finding love even knowing that what is needed to be done.
The old Egos story: "I'll wait for him to call me, I won't call" or "I'll pretend I'm not interested" is something that a spiritually matured person won’t like.
Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed — Albert Einstein
They can't bear to incarnate characters, are extremely sensitive and hate being charming with a desire to please people. They are transparent and direct people with a naked soul and a sacred goal! This usually scares a lot of people.
Spiritually matured peopled don't get together with just anyone to have company or fill in gaps. If they think the person is not worth it, they don't even bother. You may hear many people end up complaining them as "too demanding", but the truth is that they do want to share this beautiful life in a relationship with a right person but also ready to wait for them without compromising with their standards.
They surrender and in balance out of love for themselves and the expectation in return is the synergy of the same dedication. They decide to bet on someone very special to have by their side, otherwise, they prefer to be alone.
Old Souls have emotional wounds from this and other lives. Usually they are strengthened by the experience but at the same time the gap between objective mind and subjective mind is filled with desires as well as emotions that leave a lasting impression. They have many challenges to overcome and some of them very painful given the set of experiences that lead them to that level of emotional maturity! This makes them extra careful, as they cautious enough to avoid the pain of suffering again. They honor the mutual accompaniment of those who know what each one is going through and what it implies.
Love is a better teacher than duty — Albert Einstein
To have a relationship with someone, they need to feel that the person is mature enough to understand their path and evolution.
Lastly, you may find a spiritually mature person is more inclined towards having a steady as well as committed partner instead of playing petty games to satisfy their ego! They seek a partner who wants to be by their side and who respects and understands them. They cannot be with people who deceive, possess, overload or limit, they only understand the relationship from the point of view of freedom and LOVE.
Age is not the criteria for us to be spiritually matured but experiences come with time
We all are well aware that a relationship can only move forward if there is true communication from the heart, pure understanding between partners, dedication and honesty.
They hate to partner with someone who does not keep pace with them or resonate with their own vibrating frequency after trying to serve as a stimulus for the growth of the relationship. As soon as they detect the moment of the unsuccessful friction, they decide to take flight alone, detaching themselves by honoring the bond of everything that is shared, respecting the personal evolutionary moment.