Why Do Iranian Businesses 
Not Support the Uprising?

Why Do Iranian Businesses Not Support the Uprising?

In civility?uprisings, the presence of trade unions, parties, and various social and political groups helped to speed up the popular movement toward success and victory. This presence and support not only affect the speed of reaching the final victory but also increase the power of this uprising. In a long way, support works like fuel for the engine of the uprising. Each of these groups has a different effect. Self-awareness of one's role and effect are the first steps in the process of making an impact on social and political movements.


In between, groups that bear the main burden of the business structure of an economy of that country, play the main role. Businesses can play an important and practical role by joining the national strike.

What can be seen in the rise of Iran with the slogan of "woman, life, freedom" is the lack of presence and support of large and medium-sized industries and businesses.

Questions that come to mind in the absence of companionship in this field:

Are the ideals and goals of businesses independent of society?

Is the ignoring of this movement due to fear of the government?

These questions should be seen differently for businesses that are divided into two groups based on their structure.

1) Traditional businesses

2) Modern businesses.


Regarding the first group, we have to flashback to the past, since the beginning of the 1357 revolution in Iran, the Bazar, as the beating heart of the economy, has had a long-standing connection with religious people and organizations related to religion and authority.

According to the structure and thought of the Islamic republic, from the beginning of its formation, the religious people have established a deep and ideological relationship with the politicians. Therefore, the traditional part of the economy is deeply intertwined with the authority structure.

The emphasis on the ideological topic is basically because one of the goals of the Iranian uprising is exactly against this ideology. Equality between men and women and social freedoms for women with the slogan "woman, life, freedom".

While the traditional lifestyle of traditional marketers in Iran is based on woman's rights based on Islamic laws, this idea and lifestyle are completely opposite to the rise of Iranians.

Modern Businesses?

But the story of modern Iranian businesses that have been established or grown in the past 44 years is different. The difference can be examined from several points of view.

The first question is, do these economic activities accompany the uprising?

The answer is no. The same as the previous group. But the reason for this lack of support and presence is completely different. By surveying more active industries in Iran, we notice the unreal profits and jumping off some businesses. Unfortunately, modern Iranian businesses have all grown into a sick bed full of rent.

The growth and development of these businesses since their establishment until now have not been based on capability, competency, and fair competition.

Rather, they have been able to reach this position based on unprofessional fights along with corruption and large rents and loans with small interest. In Iran's toxic economic and commercial atmosphere, they have found the space for their growth and destruction of healthy businesses. Those who do not depend on the system and do not play on the corrupt ground of the government are doomed to failure.

Who provided this atmosphere and corrupt platform?

What kind of system banks have provided big loans with small interest?

How can they expand their business in a bankrupt and inflationary economy?

How have they been able to make their annual financial balance positive despite the decrease in purchasing power of the people?

The answer to these questions only depends on direct and non-deterministic dependence on the government.

The government has been able to help the growth and development of businesses in a way that has made them depend on their life in various ways.

Now let’s assume that modern Iranian businesses, regardless of the mentioned cases, will join the popular uprising and start supporting it. The government should also provide an atmosphere of companionship without attacking and arresting their owners. Are they still interested in systematic regime change?

The next problem will arise exactly the day after the victory and success of the uprising. Connecting to the world economy and trade and starting relations with other countries will lead to the presence of international businesses and brands in Iran. These international deals start the process of death of many Iranian brands.

The presence of international businesses and brands in Iran starts the process of death of many Iranian brands. In this competition, the main losers are the rentier and defective Iranian businesses that have developed artificially. They have condemned the customer to buy their product without any competitive advantage. There is no longer a trace of exclusive commercial space for them.

Imagine a football match, the team that has always won the match in domestic matches with the support of the referee and the match organizer against the team that had no support from the system.

Now, how can it compete against a foreign professional team that has a structure, game system, and up-to-date knowledge based on global conditions and rules??


Certainly, in the tomorrow of change, modern Iranian businesses will be condemned to death and destruction. In between, there are businesses that have built a platform to compete with global brands, regardless of dependence on the government. They can be with those who have played an important role in their growth and development. It should be accepted that the growth of any business depends on the intellectual growth and awareness of that society and vice versa.

In the case of other Iranian businesses, people should not expect support and empathy from them. The support and victory of this uprising mean the death of their business. We should not expect them to commit suicide. Must go forward for reaching the main goals based on a clear slogan: Women, Life, Freedom.



