Why do I write articles and publish them on LINKEDIN?
I don't like social especially where the impositions of "like" "shares" or everything, mechanically, triggers the visibility of a perfect stranger who becomes an "influencer" or something else important, so as to earn a lot of money and offer things o suggest and influence commercial markets.
I follow Linkedin because it represents the only social network that gathers people who want human, social and work contacts, regardless of their social status or bank account.
Internet relationships, in social networks, are dangerous, necessary and often also profitable, for this reason they must be used with intelligence and reasoning.
Staying out of the internet or social relationships is impossible, it would mean isolating yourself and not relating to this world that in its evolution demands contacts and comparisons
Creating a blog is the simplest solution to propose your own ideas, publish them, compare them and discuss them with all those who will read their contents, but, I think, it is a job ds experts, by real professionals capable of dealing with insidious issues and dangerous confrontations .
Writing an article is like getting rid of a nuisance, opening oneself, being freer, telling others about your feelings, hopes or doubts.
Linkedin is a kind social, a possibility of social encounters between people who put work and image before banality and gossip.
In Linkedin you can open your page aimed at yourself, without the obligation to appear, convince, ask or try to impose
Having a Linkedin account is like keeping a part of yourself in a drawer and offering yourself, when you want, to others, who for another, are part of your friendships, work, sports, religion etc.etc. and which you should not be afraid of.
Linkedin gives you the opportunity to say who you are, what you do, what you are looking for, who you want to contact, what you need and do more without bothering anyone.
One of the nicest things? ....... Every day take a peek at the Posts!
I think that's all!
Why do I write my articles and publish them on Linkedin? because I have the opportunity to write to myself, and to others, if they want to read it!
Flavio Guadalupi