Why Do I Do What I Do?
Michael R. H. Stewart
Pastor and Founder @ Reach for Jesus Worldwide | Ordained Minister
I am often asked, particularly by those who knew me in my previous, non-Christian life, why I am working so hard?
Why would a senior executive for a $40 billion company, they wonder incredulously, drop out of American industry, and ultimately move to the Arizona desert to enter full-time ministry?
There are at least 288 reasons.
I recently wrote an article entitled "Jesus Christ Was A Teacher, Not A Writer."
It was 235 words long, and took a few hours to write, design, program and publish.
28 of my followers on LinkedIn read and "liked" it.
These are folks I have never met, and I am never likely to meet, from 10 U.S. States, 11 foreign countries, 4 different religious traditions and speaking 3 different languages.
They hail from the USA, Canada, Sumatra, Brazil, the Netherlands, Malawi, India, South Africa, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates.
Some are Christians needing encouragement, but most are seekers wanting to know what faith could be so powerful that this man's life is completely changed?
I look at it this way: The late Rev. Billy Graham, (my personal hero), spent more than a half-century traversing the entire planet, leaving his wife and children for months at a time, because he was called to spread the word of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
He was the undisputed ambassador for his Lord, a confidant of Presidents, and a tireless worker in the fields of God, from the USA to China, and all places in between.
He believed as I do, in the power of technology for making a difference in the world.
He was a pioneer of radio and television and spent millions of dollars on the most important message many in his audiences would ever hear.
Just imagine, what would have been possible if the Internet and social media had been available to him. How many more lives would have been changed?
I like to think, that at 70-years of age, I have a solid 25 more years before I will get to shake Billy Graham's hand in Heaven. My task and opportunity in the meantime are to pick up where America's Preacher left off: To exchange his baton for a mousepad, his stadiums for a worldwide network, and his endless vision for a computer screen.
So why am I doing this?
It is my raison d'être. It may have taken decades to fully understand why I am called by God to do what I am doing, but now that I know, I am compelled to do it.