Why do I need a logo?
A logo may be a small thing but if you make it memorable in a customer’s mind, it is you that will stick in their mind when they’re looking for your product / service and not your competitors, so how do you ensure you get the right one for your company?
- Is it right for your company?
- Is the message your logo is trying to portray clear?
- Will it be outdated by next year?
After you have decided on the basic design, you now need to consider colors. If it doesn’t look good in black and white then there is no point in having it. Think about the times you need to fax or photocopy something with your logo on it. If people can’t see your logo they aren’t going to think too highly of you.
Alongside it is important to think where you want this logo. If the logo is only going to be seen on the internet you have more freedom. Is reproducible on paper.