Why Do They Buy?
Connie Ragen Green - Why Do They Buy?

Why Do They Buy?

Why Do People Buy What You Are Selling?

Whether you sell a tangible product or a more abstract concept, and no matter if you are selling online or offline, you must determine why people will buy from you. Once you understand the psychology of why your prospects, customers, and clients are buying you will be able to sell as many of your products and services as you want and need to meet your goals.

Over the past decade I have explored the ideas I am sharing here with you. This ongoing exercise has taught me so much and helped me to help others who want to excel as sales people in a variety of niche areas.

Remember…it’s NEVER about the cost involved. That is simply an excuse we have all used at one time or another when the salesperson isn’t providing us with what we need from them. Here are some questions to begin with when you are selling.

  • What is the biggest challenge you are having right now?
  • How does this issue affect your daily life?
  • What steps have you taken to move forward?
  • If you could solve this problem what would your life look like?

Before you can get to these questions, however, you must interview people who have bought from you and ask them why they bought from you. These are some of the answers you can expect to hear:

  • They like and trust you (the “know, like, and trust” factor is huge)
  • They understand what they are buying (the confused mind doesn’t buy)
  • They perceive a difference in you and your company/business
  • They perceive value in the product they are purchasing
  • They perceive your product or service will increase their productivity and/or profit
  • The price is fair, but not necessarily the lowest in the marketplace

Do you detect a pattern here? It’s more about you than about the company you represent, the specific product, and the price. Does this surprise you?

Think back to the last major purchase you made. Perhaps it was a washing machine, or a television, or a car. Did the salesperson have anything to do with the manufacturer or model you chose, or the specific features, or the price?

But, you say, I made this purchase on the internet. There was no salesperson and no personal contact, except at the very end of the transaction when I paid for my purchase.

Aha! The savvy salesperson will reach out to you, even if most of the transaction has been completed online and make an excuse to speak with you on the phone or on a teleconference of some type. If you at that time express any doubts about completing the purchase they are likely to use some version of the four questions I shared at the beginning of this article.

If the product is a washing machine you may share that your biggest challenge is finding something clean to wear to work, this issue affects you daily life in that you are spending too much time and focus thinking about it, the steps you have taken to move forward include locating a washing machine with the features you need, and if you could solve this problem your life could get back to normal.

Now, this is what I want you to do to ensure that you understand why people buy from you. First, contact a dozen of your best clients and invite them to a seminar on how to do what you sell. This could be safe driving techniques if you sell cars, simple dental hygiene tips if you are a dentist, or strategies on removing tough stains if you sell washing machines. I’m a marketing strategist and entrepreneur so I invite people to learn how to start a simple business they can run from their home computer to earn extra income. You get the idea.

Serve some good food and non-alcoholic beverages at the break.

At the end of your seminar, ask them questions about how you meet their needs what they look for in a vendor. Record the seminar and listen to it at least a hundred times. That is when you will understand why your customers buy from you.

Your sales numbers will increase and you will understand people in a whole new way, I promise.

This article was originally published on my site at https://connieragengreen.com/why-do-they-buy/.

I’m author, publisher, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and would love to connect with you. If you are new to the world of online entrepreneurship please check out my comprehensive training on how to set up Funnels That Click and learn how to gain an unfair advantage when it comes to building a lucrative online business.

Jay NaPier

Worldwide Marketing Expert, Business Growth Strategist Below Wholesale Travel Professor

5 年

I like the shoes. I have style. It all boils down to the psychology of it.



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