Why Do Businesses Integrate Lead Magnets?
By Mettevo | Wordpress Web Design SEO SMM

Why Do Businesses Integrate Lead Magnets?

Like a physical object with attractive properties, eCommerce businesses use lead magnets to get potential clients involved in their commercial deals. Such digital content marketing tools catch leads with realistic inquiries and readiness to complete a purchase. eCommerce magnets drive your sales and fulfill the client database for well-managed commercial technologies with a high value beyond competitors.

What Are Lead Magnets?

A lead magnet is a free e-marketing solution applied by content managers or digital market researchers to convert leads into current customers. According to the neuromarketing impact principles, these client-attractive techniques indirectly influence the lead’s consumption behavior. Therefore, content managers should have consumption psychology fundamentals and marketing specifications for each business category.

In addition, you need to differentiate the lead magnet, offer, and call-to-action buttons. Apart from free application for potential clients, offers refer to actual commercial deals presented to a particular customer and complete purchase. Simultaneously, CTA (call to action) buttons like “Buy”, “Download”, or “Order” also represent direct marketing techniques, whereas merchants appeal to customers to purchase a particular product or service.

Due to diversified marketing approaches, customer funnels evolve drastically due to different magnet transformations:

  • Handout advertisement. Primary promotion efforts for products or services concerned with people-to-people contacts hardly explain how to make a growing lead generation. Small stores or craft workshops concentrated their primitive marketing campaigns for neighborhood communities and used printed or handmade advertising attributes to stimulate sales. Therefore, the working principle referred to the concept “Businesses know their clients and care for them like friends or relatives”;
  • Field marketing. Global economics with hypermarkets and franchising networks stimulated marketing motifs. In particular, special consultants started collecting primary customer data via brief questionnaires. The received inputs were utilized to build advertising campaigns and events for broader target groups;
  • Digital lead generation. The epoch of digital commerce made promotion activities more personalized. A lead magnet aims to develop business-specific marketing strategies for particular customers grouped by age, gender, occupation, or consumption habits.

How to Make a Lead Follow Your E-commerce Offers?

Any eCommerce business could impact the customer purchasing habits and preferences if they optimize their content marketing and integrate interactive magnets into their omnichannel sources. Different quizzes, games, and discount coupons are not an exhausted list of tricks to generate leads.

The effectiveness of lead attracting mechanisms is measured by the number of target groups to be scaled upon the marketing tool implementation. In parallel to Maslow’s pyramid concept, leads’ behavior affected by content marketing techniques passes several stages:

  • Attention. Still, think about how to make your business profitable via magnetic advertisement. Creative promotional content that catches the target audience's attention via the required information will become the first step toward your target achievement. Thus, capitalized characters, references in the blog articles, or pop-ups would be perfect for drawing someone’s attention;
  • Interest. Once you draw someone’s attention with eye-catching mottos, coloring options, or key phrases, use infographics, analytical fact-findings, and dashboards to get insights into your leads. For instance, stunning pictures of sunny beaches with encouraging slogans and attractive discount offers could get involved those who wish to relax and escape from daily routines;
  • Desire. Interesting content makes your lead eager to accept the valuable service or product. Lead generation starts working, and random clients agree to share their details. Discounts or free offers are significant factors which stimulate a consumption intent;
  • Action. Different examples of lead magnets finally convert your potential customers into current ones. They provide you with key data to improve client-oriented content and increase sales. Once clients pass all stages, they could be encouraged to fullfil the purchase by offering the subscription or registration.

How to Create a Lead Magnet?

To create web content synchronized with attractive lead elements, you need to analyze your clients’ particularities and involve professionals to select the most effective methods to cope with those specifications.

You could hardly find the universal formula clarifying how to make a lead magnet. Luckily, each content or SMM manager used to follow a straightforward step-by-step technique acceptable for lead generation growth:

Step 1 Find your goal?

Your business’s marketing policy adheres to specific strategical objects like mission, objective, and targets dedicated to appropriate impacts and outcomes. Therefore, you have to distinguish a goal for your lead magnets. Mostly, eCommerce businesses use lead generation boosters to increase their sales. However, this statement is a fail, and your plan should be grounded on client expectations. Thus, satisfied clients mean stable profit-raising tendencies.

Step 2 Build a customer portrait

As a part of SEO and SMM activities, the customer portrait is a broader meaning than target groups. This potential client detalization reveals specific age, tastes, occupation, gender, social status, issues, and expectations you may use for your brand promotion. This information is your emailing marketing background and a source for individual business deals;

Step 3 Do not forget about competitors

Your counterparts are the primary motivations for your business development. Follow them to compare both efforts in client hunting and detect crucial strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge gives you treasurable answers to the main question, “What lead magnets are the most effective for a particular market niche?”;

Step 4 Choose lead magnets that ideally comply with your business specialization

Lead generation tools vary in their complexity and particularities. They are not a panacea for all eCommerce merchants. For instance, giveaways, including gift cards, coupons, or contests, make top sales in the beauty, fashion, or food industries. However, this method is ineffective in generating new leads if you are a guru in IT products or services.

Inexperienced eCommerce vendors can not create a range of client-centric lead magnets appropriate for the market niche requirements. They need the help of SEO and SMM specialists to determine what would work well and what should be avoided. More precisely, lead generation instruments cooperate with customer touchpoints to cope with their journey with the merchant’s goals.

13 Examples of Lead Magnets

You may get acquainted with practical examples to understand each customer attraction tool in action. These helpful e-marketing tricks simplify your potential client searches and strengthen your business reputation, highlighting its key attributes and deliverables. Choose the bestexamples to increase the contact database for your distribution list or individual offers of beneficial deals and drive sales by diversifying client-preferable lead magnets.

Free Trials

Not-paid versions are acceptable to demonstrate the pros and cons of your products in practice. This marketing tool is appropriate for a software engineering business. Traditional 14-day trials have many benefits and attract random clients who:

  • search practical and budgetary products instead of the particular branded assortment;
  • wish to appraise main features of programs or apps without extra fees;
  • plan to share contact details to receive accompanying free substitutions.

Nevertheless, find some clues regarding a question about what are the marketing secrets of the productive lead magnets that positively affect your profit-making indicators. For instance, typical software developers offer several packaged solutions from individual to advanced. Like demo versions, trials should include all benefits your products have. Once the trial period expires, recommend your client to buy the most appropriate package. In addition, you may use the shared contacts if you announce some updates or modifications.

Educational Materials and Tutorials

Educational centres, private educators or coaches should include this lead magnet on their brand promotion list. Free manuals or visualized informational presentations should become available upon filling out a brief contact form.

The only trick to accumulating this lead magnet is about preliminary measures:

  • blog articles;
  • thematic posts;
  • interactive landing page content.

Everything is perfect for explaining crucial issues and granting helpful solutions. You should foresee the automatically pop-up screen with free educational materials and related links. However, downloading is allowed upon leaving personal emails.


A short questionnaire is aimed at solving any client’s issue. This magnet is one of the preferable customer attraction tools for increasing sales. Its multifunctionality is impressive;, therefore, most digital marketing managers use this method in combination with the other specific lead generation mediums to:

  • Define logically connected questions with hidden answers about some products or services with which your client could agree or disagree;
  • Provide a self-assessment grid for the professional categories;
  • Demonstrate the decision-making process, using a simple algorithm for responsive issues;
  • Save time for clients who search for matching free options to be downloaded.

Guides and Instructions

In continuation to previous eCommerce business marketing magnets, you may use topic-diversified guides. Different merchants could apply to this blog-based tool, including:

  • Juridical or audit consulting companies could build a roadmap for their potential clients as “5 Steps to Pay Your Taxes Online”. The free instruction should be free and available upon a quick registration process;
  • Culinary blogs or food industries use guides like healthy dietary formula arrangements and attract particular target groups;
  • Interior designers prefer guides to motivate their leads in decorating or redesigning their workspaces or homes.

Templates and Bundles

Efficient lead generation tools grant the expected results in a short period if you remember a few recommendations about suitable spheres and mediums of marketing activities:

  • No action without visualization. Photographers and UX/UI designers admire this type of lead magnet for increasing the number of subscribers. Colorful templates for desktop or mobile screen walls are perfect client-catching tricks;
  • Do not forget bundles for best-seller sales. As such, you may determine your top purchased products and use them to attract random clients;
  • Make the impossible possible. Financial monitoring companies and legal agents should offer their clients templates of contracts, declarations and other statements to simplify searching efforts, save time, and highlight the reliability of your brand.


Large-in-size blog articles help describe topics on many sides and provide the appropriate statistics and theoretical arguments. However, readers could qualify them as monotonous and boring. To prevent this risk of client loss, you may apply an effective magnet - freely downloaded convenient visibility arrangements which optimizes the following sales:

  • Pdf-format presentation in which information is shown in blocks or slides for better understanding;
  • Audio versions, which are essential to save time for busy people or make your business more socially oriented for persons with dyslexia;
  • Videos and accompanying visualization forms provide a range of dashboards and pictorial facts to improve information processing.

Everything is accessible after a few steps of personal registration or subscription.


These creative and commercially effective lead magnets generate hundreds of ideas to differentiate various lead generation goals and optimize brand awareness. The main subtypes of this client-catching medium include:

  • Coupons. Valuable offers work as hypnotic attributes for discount hunters. The large wholesale networks use coupons as money-saving elements to increase sales and attract clients to their shops. This method is always effective and could be modified into personalized benefit upon appropriate subscription and the first purchase;
  • Gift cards. Shopping gurus would be in the seventh heaven when receiving a gift card for their favorite services or stores. Beauty industries and grocery markets are masters of developing client-centric gift card offers. However, each eCommerce business appreciates this magnet for its effectiveness;
  • Promo codes. Bloggers and vloggers used to apply this marketing medium and achieve several objectives. Firstly, they diversify their content and attract shopping fans to investigate their profile and commercial offers. Secondly, they promote B2B contacts and encourage followers to try partner products or services;
  • Hashtag contest. These lead magnet examples interpret different forms of people’s competitions via various omnichannel sources. However, social media space is the most popular environment for this client-catching trick. Success depends only on creative content and promotion activities;
  • Prizes. Do not refuse to reward your potential or current clients with valuable prizes. This pleasant attribute should finalize each contest or competition. Launch interactive content with a few questions, score results and award a winner. This method is practical due to its multiplication effect.

Webinars and Video Courses?

Along with free education materials, the first free webinar is your method to generate leads and convert them into clients. Promotional campaigns and paid ads are recommended beforehand. Once the potential customers are interested in your educational programs, they desire to schedule the introductory lecture in their planner. So, help them meet their efforts and ask about their contact details to remind them of upcoming events.

This lead magnet is practical for educational centers or language clubs due to its several advantages:

  • collect valuable data for future commercial deals;
  • grant an opportunity to highlight your services like a movie trailer;
  • optionally, foresee discounts for the first five customers who paid for the whole package of materials or course.

Reports and Estimations

Clients expect to spend fewer funds and receive more benefits from any commercial deal. If you are specialized in B2B or other forms of business collaboration, complicated-in-structure client magnets are must-have elements:

  • Reports. Businesses have a scarcity of free time and resources. Do not waste a moment and offer short statements about their social media activities. More detailed information is allowed only in a personal consultation. Ask your ready-for-action clients to leave individual email or cell numbers for your managers;
  • Estimations. Construction firms, architects, or designers could attract business clients with beneficial offers. Tentative estimations of repairing costs are an excellent tip to ask interested persons for their personal information and share the final result. Publication companies use the online calculator to estimate indicative values for layout services. Fill in the necessary points and leave the email if you wish to receive the final result. Therefore, you will have a quick response on how to create a profit-making lead magnet;
  • Cases. For clients with unclear wishes and expectations, use cases. Your company’s experience and practical examples of your brand partnership with other counterparts are a way to emphasize your product’s uniqueness. Thus, cases are methods to clarify the client’s journey blindspots and demonstrate your business qualities, ideally following their expectations.

Online Tools and Free Apps

Fee-exempted tools or apps available for any gadget should be designed to increase interest and stimulate continued partnership. Include free software programs to generate leads who wish to try something new without extra pay. However, do not forget to foresee a subscription or registration option.

As such, these lead magnet variations are highly recommended for:

  • Business consulting industries to fulfil their practices and promote brand quality like a budget saving app or a tool for family financial management;
  • Mass market stores to simplify product purchases and delivery services. For instance, a Costco client card is a sort of lead magnet which offer free hand and app-based layouts about discounted products or wholesale deals;
  • Analytical platforms to manage clients’ online activities and generate metrics 24/7 without omissions.


Most shoppers used to associate testing goods or services with beauty industries. However, eCommerce technologies expand this lead magnetizing tools for different marketing tasks via:

  • Personally distributed free samples to the firstly subscribed clients or those who completed purchases to offer accompanying substitutes;
  • Opened testers on your website for everyone eager to check your products' properties.

In addition, testers refer to cheap products offered upon the order of appropriate services. For instance, online audio stores encourage the customers of their tunes with free and cheap gadgets to make the music listening process convenient.


What could be more excited than interactive and positive questionnaires? Do not think over and over about how to make a lead interested in your products. Just share funny short quizzes with incredible results full of a sense of humor and optimistic conclusions.?

This business magnet is perfect due to its creativity and multitasking capacities. For instance, you have an online flower store. So, why not launch thematic quizzes like “What are you in the floral world?” or “What flower symbolizes your temper?”. The results should be based on personalized content and have appropriate references to your product. The only secret is to hide the outcome from the interviewers unless they leave their emails. In addition, curious questionnaires are required for educational platforms to help random visitors discover what training course or occupation improves their skills, knowledge, and emotional intellect.

Quizzes are universal, and you may integrate them as:

  • a particular blog article, but the result is available only after subscribing actions;
  • social media ads to make quizzing participants follow the landing page;
  • unique quizzes-supported platforms to attract different target groups.


Everyone likes Google doodles dedicated to international holidays or famous personalities. Try to use the global giant lead magnet experience for your eCommerce services. This informal way to relax and award a winner with other magnet forms is the best way to expand your subscriber database.

To build a game-like lead generation tool, you may pay attention to the following aspects:

  • a gaming element should be associated with your products or services;
  • use your brand-related colors and fonts;
  • launch a new game session only after subscription;
  • induce top players with small rewards.

Receive 15 Lead Magnet Ideas from Mettevo and Boost Your Sales

Comprehensive SEO and SMM diagnostic for your eCommerce business marketing activities means exploring the brand promotion gaps, the customer portfolio justification, and selecting the appropriate client magnets. Moreover, digital content marketing professionals track the effectiveness of lead generation tools and modify them in line with consumption changes or new market trends.

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