Why do all twin flames signs disappear?

Alka Chowdhary· June 21 Former Educator (2000–2015)

As we heal and come into balance, the signs begin to wane and gradually become unnoticeable. I will say that they do not disappear totally but they no longer hold the same attraction as earlier when we were focused on analyzing every sign deciphering their meaning and relation to our journey.

They begin to disappear as you begin to take responsibility for the journey and flow seamlessly. The creator no longer needs to send you reminder and encouragement tokens to keep on moving on the path. You align with the creator or in a way, you wield the pen for your journey and take it forward based on the calling of your soul. You are the creator and align with your divine essence.

I still see a few signs around and when I truly desire for an answer, I ask from my higher self. I do get a response but no longer obsess over it.



