Why Directors of Marketing Should Care About Social Media Marketing

Why Directors of Marketing Should Care About Social Media Marketing

Directors of communications may find themselves in positions where they are unsure how to get their message out and reach the company's customers. Social media marketing can play a big part in this regard by enabling them to use various channels to interact with their target audience. Moreover, directors of communication may also appreciate the idea that social media marketing can give them an opportunity to use the information that they gather on customers to better plan for future ads and messages as well.

In this article, we look at some of the best social media marketing tips that directors of communications can put into practice.

Figure Out What Channels Are Most Effective for Your Company's Message

One of the first things that should be done before getting started with any kind of social media marketing is to figure out what channels are best suited to the kind of message that a company wants to get out there. If a director of communications does not know how to do this, he or she may be able to ask people within the company about their preferences and perhaps commission a proper study with help from outside experts.

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The channels that are chosen should then be given specific attention in all future social media marketing activities. It is only by finding out what works for each one that a director of communications can expect to get the best results over time.


Be Sure That You Are Not Using Too Many Social Media Sites at Once

Social media sites come and go like many other things in life, but there are some that have stood the test of time. It is crucial for directors of communications to be sure that they are not creating multiple profiles on each one because this can only lead to confusion among customers and potential customers alike. Directors should also make sure that those profiles have been fully completed before moving onto other projects, such as growing a social media following quickly and easily.


Choose a Few Key Social Media Sites and Use Them Well

Communications leads can always use social media marketing to direct people back to their company's website, but this should not be by accident. Any kind of activity that is done on various social media sites should always feature the company's website in some way because it may well serve as a gateway to more information and as a means of directing visitors toward the company's products. This is especially true if people are interested in an item, but are unable or unwilling to buy it for some reason.


The Power of Customer Feedback with Social Media Marketing

It does not matter how hard directors try; there will always be customers who have complaints about a company's products and services. Social media marketing can be used to get these kinds of messages out into the open where they can then be heard, acted on and hopefully dealt with once and for all.

Directors of communications should bear in mind that there may well be customers who would happily provide their feedback on various social media sites, but do not know where to go to do it. As such, a director of communication may take one step further by creating accounts on the most popular social media sites and inviting people to leave comments there.


Putting Social Media Marketing Online

A director of communications should be able to easily find out what is meant by social media marketing online, but what he or she may not be aware of is that the major social media sites are classified as such because they work through networks. As such, it is important to understand the notion of networking and how it applies to all aspects of social media marketing before getting started with any specific strategies for attracting customers online


There Is No Escape from the Law of Reciprocity

Social media marketing does not have to be too complicated, but it can make things easier if a director remembers to use the law of reciprocity as much as possible. This is what makes people feel obliged to do something for companies after receiving some kind of gift or favor, whether money has been spent or not.


Social media marketing is all about giving people something that they want, and a director of communications can do this by providing them with offers that are difficult to turn down. If he or she does so properly, a director should expect to see an increase in the number of customers asking for more of whatever it was that was originally offered.


What Communications Leaders Should Know About Social Media Marketing

The days when a director of communications could use "spray and pray" to create the illusion that he or she was doing something useful about social media marketing are long gone. There is now a fundamental need for directors to learn a lot more than they used to, and this is because people have access to much more information than they used to.

People are also able to keep track of a company's reputation and performance in a way that is very different from what was the case before, and directors of communications need to be prepared for this kind of scrutiny if they want to remain competitive online.


The Importance of Strategy and Planning

There are a number of considerations that directors must make before embarking on any kind of social media marketing strategy. These include deciding what kinds of strategies to use when, figuring out which social media sites have the most value for the company, and trying to figure out exactly how much time, money and resources should be spent on each strategy.

One of the most important decisions that directors must make is whether or not an actual company account will be created for social media sites. If a director decides to do this, he or she needs to concentrate on figuring out how it can attract and retain visitors who will provide valuable feedback over time in terms of where the company can improve and what it should do next.

If, on the other hand, a director decides to use an individual for social media marketing rather than creating a company account, he or she will need to rely more on words of mouth to get the word about each site's contents out into the open so that people can discover it, but this can be difficult for some company directors.


The Importance of Knowing Your Limits and Avoiding Burnout

A communications lead who is new to social media marketing may try too hard to attract customers and end up burning out quickly. As such, he or she needs to be careful when thinking about how best to get the word out about a site, and should remember to give as much care to his or her own needs as well.

It is easy for directors to feel that they are in competition with other companies on each social media site, but what really matters when it comes down to it is simply getting the job done right. If each director does this, then he or she should be able to get the word about his or her company out into the open without burning out.

A communications direct who is new to social media marketing may also try too hard when it comes to thinking of what kinds of updates need to go up on a site in order to attract customers. When it comes down to it, most people want to know when a new product has come out or a special offer is available.

They also want to see posts that are genuinely interesting and unique. If a director can give them these things over time, he or she should do so without fear of failure as long as the social media marketing strategy was properly planned in the first place.



In addition to these considerations, a director of communications needs to remember that he or she works for a company and that his or her ultimate goal is to help build its reputation as much as possible over time. Even if this means spending less time on social media marketing at times, it will be helpful in the long run.



