Why Is Digitisation of Trade Important for SMEs?
Suresh Krishnan
Expert in Digital Transformation | Solution Consulting | Banking Operation | IT strategy
Small and medium businesses (SMEs) are the backbone of every economy. They are also the first point of contact for customers, suppliers, financiers, and other stakeholders. SMEs must embrace new technologies to compete with larger companies and grow their business. The digitization of trade is one such technology; it enables SME suppliers and buyers to connect online, streamline processes and transact directly. This article explains why the digitization of trade is so important for SMEs and how this technology can help your business to grow.
Trade transactions often involve data from numerous parties, including buyers, sellers, financiers, insurers, freighters, port authorities, customs officials, and many others. Trade data may be exchanged across various parties with various currencies, resulting in difficulties, delays, and uncertainty. Digital technologies can drastically enhance global trade. Although the finance sector remains primarily paper-based, technology may assist financial institutions in reducing costs, improving operational efficiency, and reducing risk. This will be accomplished through pre-integrated digitalization capabilities provided by an ecosystem of fintech and marketplaces, the best place to start is with SMEs.
What is the Digitization of Trade?
Trade digitization replaces paper-based transactions with digital communications and data exchange between stakeholders. This benefits businesses and their customers and can be used for various commercial activities.
The digitization of trade is not new, but it is becoming increasingly important for SMEs due to two (2) significant factors:
Why is it important for SMEs?
Due to various factors, SMEs have traditionally been less involved in digital trade than large enterprises. Some of these include:
A globally secure authentication platform was urgently required to fight fraud. However, enforcing this idea has been more complicated than voicing it. A solution that enables lenders to identify and flag fraudulent transactions before they occur is currently the most crucial tool for the industry. This would increase lenders' confidence to enter new markets and distribute cash, resulting in more liquidity. Fraud risk in geographic regions is causing big corporations to pull out of markets. This has significant consequences. In many cases, the areas that need liquidity the most are those experiencing a mass exodus of banking support. Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are abundant in these areas.
Three (3) benefits of digitization of trade for SMEs
The digitization of trade can bring numerous benefits to SMEs, including:
Three (3) ways digitization of trade can help SMEs grow
SMEs that embrace the digitization of trade stand to benefit from an array of growth opportunities. These include:
The digitization of trade is one of the best ways for SMEs to compete with larger companies and grow their business.
Trade digitization benefits SMEs in many ways,
All businesses should embrace trade digitization to stay competitive in a global economy.
A standardized approach will help solve this issue, as connecting to many services with their own rules can slow down the process. A single channel would streamline operations, resulting in an application programming interface (API) that would make it easier for customers.
The market is moving in the right direction with the recent announcement by #Contour to connect systems and share data – securely is a good example. ?