Why Did your Invisalign Button or Attachment Break? Precision Cuts, Bonding, Class 2, Class 3

Why Did your Invisalign Button or Attachment Break? Precision Cuts, Bonding, Class 2, Class 3

Invisalign can be a great option for people looking for an effective and discreet orthodontic treatment. But, like any technology, Invisalign is susceptible to wear and tear. One of the most common issues dentists encounter with Invisalign is broken buttons or attachments. So why do these break? Let’s look at some causes of broken buttons and attachments in Invisalign patients.

Patient Compliance

In many cases, patient non-compliance is the root cause of broken buttons and attachments. To get the best results from your treatment, it’s important to wear your aligners for 22 hours each day as directed by your dentist or orthodontist. If you don’t, there is an increased risk that your button will break. Eating while wearing aligners can also put extra pressure on buttons and attachments if done frequently enough. That’s why removing your aligners is important before eating anything other than light snacks such as fruits or vegetables.

Accidents & Impact Damage

Even if you are careful with your aligners, it’s still possible that they may get damaged due to impact damage from knocking against something hard, such as a desk corner or a door handle. If you experience any trauma to the mouth area—such as a fall—check your aligners for damage immediately afterward. If a button breaks due to impact damage, it may need to be replaced with a new one for effective treatment.

Aligner Care & Cleaning

If not cared for properly, a buildup of food particles and bacteria can cause problems such as gum inflammation or tartar buildup on teeth surfaces, which could affect the success of your treatment over time. To ensure this doesn’t happen, clean your aligner trays regularly using either mild soap and water or an approved cleaning solution such as Retainer Brite or Efferdent Plus cleaning crystals. Poor care and cleaning habits can lead to weakened areas on retainers which could eventually result in button breakage over time if left unchecked.


If you have an Invisalign treatment, you may wonder why your buttons or attachments have broken. Understanding a few concepts can help you answer this question.

Precision Cuts

Invisalign treatments are made using precision cuts designed to hold the buttons and attachments in place. The precision cuts also help keep your teeth aligned as they move through the treatment process. If your Invisalign button or attachment has broken, it could be due to a weak cut or poor manufacturing, which caused the piece to become loose and eventually break off.


Bonding is used to attach the buttons and attachments to your teeth during Invisalign treatment. Bonding material such as glue or resin is applied to the teeth and hardened with a special curing light. If bonding is not done correctly, it can weaken over time and lead to your Invisalign button or attachment breaking off prematurely.

Class 2 and Class 3 Treatments

In some cases, an Invisalign button or attachment may break due to an incorrect diagnosis from the orthodontist. Class 2 and Class 3 treatments require more aggressive aligners than standard treatments, so if these were incorrectly prescribed, it can cause more strain on the buttons and attachments, leading them to break prematurely. It’s important that your orthodontist accurately diagnoses your condition before beginning any treatment plan so that this issue can be avoided.


As a healthcare professional, it's your responsibility to ensure patients fully understand the treatment options and potential risks. Take some time to investigate why button breakages occur during Invisalign treatments instead of merely relying on slots as a solution. As part of due diligence when presenting plans, healthcare professionals should consider having a clear policy, such as a 24-hour warranty covering any issue arising within the first day of treatment. To avoid breakage slow down treatment or switch to a soft diet; instruct patients what they should eat & avoid.


Amanda Wilson DDS MDS的更多文章

