Why did you make HUGE technology investments in SAP only to leave opportunity on the table?
A mature solution is a fully integrated functional solution.

Why did you make HUGE technology investments in SAP only to leave opportunity on the table?

It was a painstaking decision to invest and commit to an ERP solution. Many departments were involved, and careers were made and destroyed during the process. But in the end, the solution you have needs lots TLC to work for you. The engine as designed doesn't run by itself as efficiently and effectively as it was sold to do. The issue is not the software, but how you are accessing, integrating and using the data.

For instance, 80% of organizations are under-utilizing MRP best business practice as built into SAP. Imagine how much more advantage you can take from the functionality you already have in place? You just need to be shown within your own data and solution where to look. We have a better plan.

Join a one-day hands-on workshop using your SAP system and data on Oct 16 (Houston) or Oct 18 (Chicago) to explore the possibilities. 

Click here to register for Houston or Chicago.

Don't assume that investing in the next release of software and technology will automatically help you adjust to supply chain best practices. It is always more cost effective and a better strategy to fix what you already own and maximize the investment before you jump ahead. Not only will it help you run more efficiently now but will make your future investments bring more value to the bottom line.

How do you learn about the opportunities within your own system and in your own data? Most consultancies and software providers won't tell you or show you because they want to sell you the next-gen solution.

Investing in a new solution is not a silver bullet. You have a great SAP solution running already, it's just not utilized to optimize the value. Spend one day with us and see how you can jump-start the value in the solution you already have.


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