Why Did You Hire Me?
Why did you hire me? Only to abuse me, take advantage of me, have me travel 3,000 miles to meet with you, not pay me on time, not pay others, cancel the job and then NOT pay me what is due me per my contract. Why did you hire me?
I am writing this as this happens to women all the time. I was hired by a man for Restaurant Consulting as we spoke on the phone as the job was in California and I am on the East Coast and I was told quite a few things that I would not need to do and ended up doing. I was compromised already from the start. Why did you hire me?
I did all that was asked of me, worked the site, showed up every day and was never met with by the man the hired me NOT ONCE. I was met by him a total of about 3 hours at most for 10 days onsite. We are opening a restaurant in a famous area on a famous street a big huge project and I am just ignored. Why did you hire me?
This man of course paid the men on the project and met with them and they had their male bonding stuff that goes on and the jokes about us "GIRLS" being there as support to them. It was said out loud and was definitely shown in front of others. Hmm and how does that work? Why did you hire me?
When I and the other "GIRLS" showed up to the site you wanted to hug us, sweet talk us, always wanting to kiss on us, like we were your little pets - very strange. I was hugged and touched within the first five minutes of arriving to the site after traveling so far. This was horribly uncomfortable and awkward. What was done in front of me and others with one girl was completely unacceptable she was too young and needed the job so she did not speak up. It was tried on me and well I always speak up! Why did you hire me?
The project was a mess I was told my client had opened over 100 restaurants (he was LYING) it is very easy to tell if someone has opened one restaurant let alone 100 and he had not. The job site was a mess, the staff had no idea what was happening, workman were showing up left and right, no one was being paid or treated properly, professionals that I brought in were ignored and drove far and were not even listened to. It was a very embarrassing experience. Why did you hire me?
Once I left to come back to my home that's when things got even more interesting as I was communicated with via text only, told my documents and paperwork were just never reviewed, do not send emails only texts as emails would not be read, all the vendors I met with were delayed and credit applications not finalized, so why meet with all of them to get accounts set up? I am not sure what was really going on with all of this and communication continued to get less and less. Why did you hire me?
Now that I am back about three & half weeks I am told via text that the project is now on HOLD. No explanation, no reason NOTHING. Originally, I was told the restaurant was to be opened in 3 to 4 months and this was a large project (no way it was going to open in that time under normal circumstances let alone this total mess of a night mare). I removed myself from some of my other projects I was working on to other staff and worked my focus on this project as it was a rush. That was never a rush at all. Why did you hire me?
Basically, I rushed, was hired to not travel and did 3,000 miles, was ignored, was hit on, was sexually harassed, saw other women sexually harassed, saw other women not paid, saw other women including myself begging to get paid, saw vendors treated like they did not matter and their time was not valuable, was embarrassed in front of vendors and reps I recommended for the project, time wasted, feeling bad, made to feel like I was not important, you did not want the truth of what was happening, you wanted people around you to just say " YOU ARE RIGHT WE AGREE 100%". That's not how it works. Why did you hire me?
There is a lot more to this and as of this date I have had to get a lawyer in hopes that I will be paid, this client has spread negative comments to others in the industry and that I met onsite about me and my work ethics (which are strong and many know this), client has told others that I should hold my breath to get paid and that no lawyer would ever take my case as I was "full of it". Hmmmm let's see I have a signed contract, you agreed to the terms I did not hold a gun to your head, YOU AGREED TO THE TERMS and signed the contract and said come on out! So I did and then you decided that I charged you way too much and the job did not get finished. WELL it did not get finished as you did not pay anyone, you did not hire any vendors, you abused people that worked for you and then you canceled the job. Why did you hire me?
Oh and YOU HAVE NEVER OPENED ANY RESTAURANTS! I am so tired of being hired for jobs by clients that only want you to agree with them, not take your advice (I only have 20 + years in the restaurant industry and have traveled the world for clients. You found me, I did not come looking for you and then I move things around and now don't even get paid. The story is much more than this, but seriously folks when you hire people let's do this:
Be Honest to Your People
Pay Your People
Do Not Hit on the Women you hire - Don't Touch me!
Do not belittle the people you hire
Do Not Lie About Your Experience
Lastly, PAY ME!
Why did you hire me?