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???Decisions to leave your current workplace can be on different grounds. Today we will talk about how to represent work experience in a CV and what frequency of changing jobs is acceptable.
Is the frequency of job changes important?
???Of course, yes. Recruiters take this into account when selecting applicants. In general, 1-1.5 years of work experience is considered the optimal durability. But there are its features.
– For Beginners with up to three years of experience, it is okay to change companies once a year. Because a person needs time to decide and understand own priorities and career direction.
– For Juniors and Middle specialists, working in a position for up to three years is standard in most cases. Because you have enough time to reveal your potential and show growth within the company during this period.
– Senior and other Management specialists usually stay in one position for 4 to 6 years. In such a period of time, it is possible to monitor the effectiveness of the work done.
How to represent previous work experience?
In CV:
???Write about your work experience from the last to the first one. If you worked in a product company, then describe the products you engaged in. Applicants of outsourcing direction should write titles and experience in the individual projects.
During a job interview:?
???You need to be ready to answer the question: "why did you change your last place of work?". For this, it is best to prepare an answer in advance.?
?? Be respectful of the experience, skills, responsibilities that you received thanks to the previous company. Do not criticise your previous employer and colleagues. It is important not to be too emotional and talk about the work process.
?? Don't cheat and tell the truth. If there were conflicts or contradictory situations at the previous workplaces, then tell about your reflection on this situation and what kind of mistakes you made in your opinion. Even though a person was fired, but tell the truth, it will not be a big deal.
Why is it undesirable to change the workplace often?
???It makes a first impression about the applicant. Recruiters usually take into account the experience of the specialist and frequency of changing between the companies. And during a job interview with the candidate, they discuss the motivation for changing companies, clarify the level of English language proficiency and whether your experience matches the vacancy.
???And how long did you work at your previous workplace? Tell us in the comments how you represent this information on the job interview?