WHY DID YOU APPLY TO THIS JOB? (Do You Know How To Answer This Interview Question?)

WHY DID YOU APPLY TO THIS JOB? (Do You Know How To Answer This Interview Question?)

For most interviews, there will be a standard set of questions that the interviewer will ask you in order to determine if you are a solid fit for the company. One common interview questions is, “Why did you apply to this job?”

Sounds simple enough to answer, right? But do you really know the most effective way to answer this question? Are you even sure why you are being asked this question in the first place?

The reason behind this question is an easy one. Many employers want to make sure that they are not another number on your list and that you were intentional in selecting them.  Your answer will provide insight into what motivated you to apply for this position. Employers want to avoid investing time into candidates who are simply applying to any and all jobs openings.  

Before I share with you the best practice way to answer this question, let’s dive into how you should NOT answer the question “Why did you apply for this job?”

Do not use this question as an opportunity to speak negatively about your current employer. Never give them the impression that you will take anything just to get away from where you are now. Employers want to know that you are running toward something great rather than running away from something terrible.

Do not say you applied because of your mom and dad . This only shows that you don’t really want to be there. No interviewer wants to spend time with a candidate who is only there because they were had no other option. In addition, no interviewer will think highly of an interview from a person who cannot make a career move without their parents.

Do not say, “This job is literally in my backyard and I don’t like to drive!”. This insinuates that you were willing to take any kind of employment as long as it were close to home. Employers like intentionality.

Now moving on to how you should answer! Keep in mind that employers want to make sure you applied to the position for good reason.  By doing your company research beforehand, you can share what you already know about them and how that drove you to applying. This can make a BIG impression!

Connect your answer to something company related. Use the interview as an opportunity to demonstrate your research of the company. Share that it was during your research that you discovered some things about them that made you decide to apply. Research could be positive comments and feedback you have seen on Glassdoor. It could be investor relations information that helps you to determine the company’s stability, or maybe a few of the company’s initiatives really interested you.  Interviewers are always impressed when you know facts about their company without them having to tell you. It lets them know you are serious about the job.

Answer the question as if you were a SOLUTION. You can share why you decided to apply to the position and still position yourself as the solution in one answer. Here is how this works. Tell the employer about one of the departmental challenges that you have learned about. Share with them how you have solved said challenge in your past experience. Let them know that one of the reasons you applied is so that you could get back into this work again.  When you learned that you could do that with this employer, you were excited to explore employment here.

Be a good fit. Connect your answer to the mission of the organization, some of their goals, and/or their reputation. Tell them directly that the mission and vision of the organization aligns to what is also important to you.

The Dos and Don’ts that I’ve provided will surely help you figure out how to successfully and confidently answer this question and impress your interviewer. You will have many questions thrown your way so let me help you get this question behind you so you can move forward with the rest of the interview.

If you are interested in knowing suggested answers to common interview questions, be sure to download our free guide: 25 Common Interview Questions with Top Notch Answers: https://jennifertardy.lpages.co/25-common-interview-questions-with-top-notch-answers/


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