Why Did you Abandon your System?
Calling all salespeople working on a goal!
How is it going?? A little off?? Not quite sure what is causing you to miss the mark?
If any of you are Enneagram 7 that love to change stuff, it may be the draw to have variety and try new things.
Maybe you are an Enneagram 9 who doesn’t like to make a decision and doesn’t like to feel pressure.?
May I recommend upping your systems around your life?
Systems and routines keep us on point.
Life is so chaotic with a million things to do, no wonder we feel scattered, overwhelmed and exhausted.?
We could have systems around:
But I want to dig in and inquire, why you have abandoned your systems or choose not to follow them, how is that serving you?
There is a payoff in there somewhere.
Do you like a little tension or chaos in your day??
Does it keep you from truly hitting your goals?
Does it allow you to play small?
Does it allow you to validate that you “aren’t good enough”?
Maybe it is time to change the script in your head.
Maybe it is time to rewrite the story.
Who said you can’t?? They obviously haven’t been given the full story of you yet.
You are the author of your life.? If you don’t like how the story has gone up until now.? Pull out some paper and a pen and start writing a new story.
Start with this…
So far this year I have accomplished…
I know I have more abilities and talents than that.
If there were no limits and all the resources I needed, I would create…
Then, ask yourself this question,
“Hmm, I wonder what my first step would be to …”
If you got a good picture and you saw what you wanted, but want support in getting there, reach out [email protected].
This story of yours could be a best seller.