In the Matrix film, there is a scene where Neo is asked to choose between the?red pill?and the blue pill blue. Neo ends up choosing the Red pill.?Today, modern humans have the same choice to make and few of them realize it.?You must choose the red light or the blue light and this primer tells you why.?HYPERLINK
Your solar callus not only offers protection but is an ideal way to absorb sunlight properly to get light into your system to build wellness and improve your immunity. Our skin tones are tied to our solar callus and are perceived as the most healthy and attractive to humans. We now know that red and yellow skin tones make you appear more attractive and send wireless signals to others that your immune system is optimized. Being pale is not a sign of wellness contrary to popular dermatologic beliefs. Pale skin is atrophied skin. Do you know what atrophy means? It means DISUSE. The skin is not being used as it was designed to with respect to sunlight. Even animals besides humans, use the solar callus on their skin to draw mates.?The peacock should come to mind.
Folks who spend time in the sun can change their surface color by assimilating certain frequencies of sunlight to take red tones because IR-A light increases our RBC's production when our skin is hit with sunlight it undergoes dermal pooling to make our skin flush with blood. When the sun has powerful UV light more oxygen is found in our blood, this changes its color, and the frequencies it vibrates to a?deep red?due to the increased amount of oxygen in it. From a biological/anthropological perspective, this signals health and vitality and high redox potential to members of our species who see us in nature. The redox potential is a sign that the animals are the ideal fraction of hydrogen isotopes in their flesh to live well under the power of sunlight. So why is RED the choice by LIFE to run the most important programs in us??Why did Neo really choose the red pill???????https://www.patreon.com/posts/13077291
The corollary of why excessive blue light during day or night is bad as well: At sunrise, humans should face a solar spectrum that gives 1800K vs 16,000 K light = sunrise to sunset. Your tech screens tell the brain it is solar noon all day long because they are built to be at 5700K.
When light enters the eye it has to transverse many layers before the photons are sensed. The incident photons first pass the cornea, neuropsin in the cornea & skin, optic nerve fibers, and ganglion cells which contain melanopsin, amacrine cells, bipolar neurons, and horizontal neurons before they finally reach the rods and cones. This arrangement is bizarre to most who don’t understand how light really works with the liquid crystals in us that are hydrated. They are called proteins in our cells. To those of us who do, it makes complete "mitochondriac sense."
Why is melanopsin located in the ganglion cell layer that is more superficial in our retina??Does it almost appear it is built backward by nature??? What might the reason be? I believe it is because blue/violet light bends most under a prism during dusk.
At dusk, there is no UV light designed to be there. This is why blue light creates the most visual blur on a retina when a man uses it. This sets the tone for cataracts, AMD, and retinal diseases because blue light unopposed by red light in the sun thins the retina. Blue light is NEVER without RED light in the solar spectra. This detail is why blue light is the most dangerous nnEMF to humans. It is also why blurry vision and headaches are the most sensitive cue to the astute clinician that blue light toxicity is present in a client's environment. This is why blue things in nature are so rare. Life controls the reflection of blue light because it is the most pro-growth part of the spectrum because of the energy its light has. Things that reflect blue light can be dangerous so nature limits their production. It must be tightly controlled to control growth. When growth exceeds regeneration potential we call that cancer in medicine. Blue objects are never sharply seen by life’s creatures.
Above you can see what light bends the most in a prism or when light is coming from the sun to the Earth. Life pays attention to this in how she built our retinas to work with blue light. Below you can see the bending of blue light puts its light rays more anterior in the eye. This is exactly where the melanopsin receptors are for blue light. The red light receptors are in mitochondria and water close to the fovea and macula.
Nature knows that blue light bends the most because of physics and has built the anterior chamber of the eye to take full advantage of it. This is why the retina appears to be built backward to our expectations. The photoreceptors are deep to the surface so this limits the blue light hazard to the eye camera function to keep the eye size perfect for refraction. When we get too much blue light the globe elongates and humans get myopia. This epidemic is now seen in Asian teens and nobody seems to know why? Their tech addiction is why it is happening. Their retinas are getting that 5700K signal day and night.
Blue light always reduces the sharpness of sight because of the picture of the retina above. The global lighting industry today recommends bright blue spectrum bulbs for the elderly when it is clear from eye physics that we should be recommending bulbs with lower color temperatures and incandescent bulbs to the aging eye. This is nuts when you understand the bio-physics of light. It is a great way to make grandma more alert, but she'll be more awake so she can drive somewhere and get lost because it will also make her senile with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease!!!! The fact is compounded when one considers that the federal government is now outlawing the general manufacturing and sale of incandescent bulbs to save energy since 2009! You'd be wise to stock up on the old bulbs and get rid of every LED light in your house with this information. This light allows you to be a deuterium COLLECTOR in your tissues. All you need to do is look at the picture below to understand why I say it.
We may save electricity with LEDs, but we are going to increase neolithic disease in all groups by altering the spectral frequencies of indoor light. LEDs cause mitochondrial swelling because of the effect of unopposed blue light and no red light for regeneration in the retina to control the swelling. This is why the astronauts are coming home from the ISS with optic nerve swelling folks!!!!
Does any astronaut work in an Earth-like light environment? Nope, and this is why they get mitochondrial diseases very quickly. Most astronauts come home with heavy methylation defects in their genome. Space science still acts like they don't know where it comes from. Decentralized clinicians know when mitochondrial redox power drops methylation risks rise. Why?
Methylation patterns are linked to how light is transformed in a cell. When sunlight is absent for any reason mitochondrial redox drops. When there is blue light toxicity methylation defects rise. This happens when energy transformation drops in cells. As a result of a lack of energy methylation problems shows up in both genomes, nuclear & mitochondrial and that is where it comes from. Decentralized clinicians know what to look for in you. Allopathic and functional medicine clinicians wouldn't know what to look for because they still have no idea that light controls the enzymatic flux in metabolic pathways.??
Loss of mitochondrial redox power causes methylation problems to manifest in your labs without any SAP/SNP issues present in your MTHFR survey or nuclear genome. Very few clinicians know a lack of sunlight and/or blue light toxicity causes methylation defects to manifest.
It shows up in your labs in a very specific pattern of results as an accumulation of methionine and S-adenosylhomocysteine, with low or low-normal levels of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and homocysteine. PBM treatment fixes it. Proper solar exposure is a better option.
This raises an interesting point for humans on Earth who bathe in blue light and nnEMF while blocking the sun. What happens if your sun is an alien sun in an office during the day or night time? Could we be injured by our schedule because of the lights on in our environment? Yes, you can.
Fluorescent lights also flicker at 100 Hz because the light is modulated. You can use the Iris screen software to limit this effect, but it is still there because your cells can sense it even when you cannot. I refuse to work under any modulated light now because of what I know about light and the eye. I covered the details of this in my Vermont 2017 on youtube.
No one seems to realize that mitochondria need to oscillate at 100 Hz to fat burn properly. It turns out this frequency is also critical to help deplete our tissues of deuterium to favor the H+ isotope of hydrogen. The reason for this? It makes all of our tissues easier to control with SUNLIGHT's red spectrum. This regenerates us using an electric and magnetic resonance effect in the red spectrum with our mitochondria's crystalline red light chromophores in cytochrome c oxidase, the ATPase, and the water surrounding them all. This water is made in mitochondria and is also designed to be deuterium depleted so the sun can control the movement of protons in 3 main biochemical pathways in living systems. The reason we are designed this way is that red light is dominant in the solar spectrum. It makes up 43% of the spectrum.
Red light controls the movement and motions of all protons in us. Deuterium has double the atomic mass and a different quantum spin number so red light from our sun can not control its movements in biochemical pathways to foster regeneration in tissues and mitochondria. There is no molecular resonance of our sun's red light with deuterium. This is why all mitochondria contain 3 de-hydrogenases to pull hydrogen off the carbon backbones of foods. Not all food has the same level of deuterium. This is really why foods matter. It has ZERO to do with macronutrients and all to do with your connection to the sun and retaining the ability to control proton motion in cells and in your DNA and RNA. Without the sun's red light and light hydrogen, the body loses control over the circadian mechanism in every cell in the body.
This causes more damage to the "eye clock mechanism" because it allows for more blue light assimilation to the ganglion layer to destroy the retina’s mitochondria in these cell layers. This is another reason fluorescent bulbs need to be removed from your indoor environments or just kept off. More bad news for the flickering effect is that LED light produces even more of it. Older people need to turn off all LED and fluorescent bulbs and only use incandescent bulbs, candles, or kerosene lamps inside. they also need more sunlight than anyone thinks because they need the red light to lower their heteroplasmy rates.
Heteroplasmy rates result from the LACK of control of protons in your cells. This traps D20 in your mitochondrial matrix to cause swelling. This is why the astronaut's optic nerve swells in space!!! I still cannot fathom NASA has not figured this out yet. Anyone in space does not get the same solar spectrum we do on Earth and they are never grounded. This is why it happens. It ruins their redox or electric charge in tissues. This means the body becomes a garbage dump of the deuterium isotope and not H+. The older clients or more diseased eyes need to even consider the paint and clothes they chose for a room or wear. The light reflection is a problem when heteroplasmy rates rise. Only the red spectrum of the sun can regenerate it because it is what controls our optimal isotopic fraction of H+. That is the light the sun can control because of how light operates with atoms. Blue and pink light are especially bad in high heteroplasmy states.
If you do use indoor light that has a lot of blue light paint your rooms with complementary colors to blue such as yellow and orange and warmer earth tones. Try to avoid all shades of blue and white and reflective colors if you can. That can affect how the eye camera and eye clock function. It can also speed up all co-morbid diseases that the person may already have. Chronic blue light exposure wears out the integrity of our entire visual system and this causes time to speed up for the person whose environment is loaded with this color.
The evolution of eyes is not based on what modern science believes either.
Today's factoid:?the eye is only weakly optimized to take full advantage of the available solar spectrum. The erroneous belief often arises from blind faith in the power of evolution to optimize absolutely, coupled with a misunderstanding of the nature of density distribution functions. That misunderstanding appears in a diverse range of scientific literature (see the enclosed links as points of fact). Other constraints upon the eyes’ evolutionary optimization besides the Sun’s radiance were also important, such as the historically significant influence of the transmission of water, the susceptibility of potentially available biological materials such as photopigments to Blue light damage, and the instability of possible infrared sensitive photopigments. Contemplating why we did not evolve to use other mechanisms to produce a broader band visual sensitivity, as for an unlikely example electron–hole pair generation, would seem to be a futile exercise in a counterfactual history of evolution. But the question of how and why our vision evolved to employ its equally unlikely photoisomerization scheme for vision still remains an interesting and open issue that I think quantum evolutionary theory will solve. I believe that mechanism is 100% tied to the control of PROTON motions. Mitochondria and water are loaded with them and red light is what controls their placement in the 2' position of glucose, glycerol, and 3' and 5' positions in DNA and RNA!!!!!!!
People have forgotten that a deficiency of Vitamin A in the retina leads to night blindness and to poor autophagy in cells.?This means when Vitamin A is low in the retina and brain, mitochondria in the eye swell, and heteroplasmy rates will be higher.?This means the person's red light environment is poor and they likely spend little time in the sun. This is the reason why all?astronauts develop optic nerve swelling?when they spend too much time in space disconnected from the sun and grounded to the Earth in the ISS capsule!!!!!
Now you know why Scott Kelly came back and all his methylation genes were TURNED on compared to his identical twin! The same thing happens to humans on Earth who live a life in blue light and never connect to the Earth and the sun. MTHFR SAPs and SNPs are reactions of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes to poorly lit environments in our evolutionary history. Think about the K-T event, as an example. These defects are from light and grounding defects not a dire need for B12 or folate supplements. People need better advice about light from their experts. Red light has been shown to decrease inflammation in over 1 million studies on pub med, but when I go around the world to speak to people it is like I am speaking Chinese to my healthcare audiences. It is beyond crazy how medicine has disconnected its advice from Nature.
Interestingly,?autophagic induction by retinoic acid?has been shown to be critical for the removal of toxic proteins in diseases like breast cancer, leukemia, and progeria. Retinol is a Vitamin A analog and the circadian crystals in our clock genes all use a GTP-coupled protein system. Guess what controls the GTP mechanism? RED LIGHT. Retinol has also been shown to be an important?co-factor in T cell activation in our immune system. Ya' think this might be important to autoimmunity?
If you have too much deuterium in your T-cells guess what happens? You need the sun and not an MS drug to help you recover. Big Pharma never wants the public to know this. Autophagy is essential for upregulated T-cell activation and AMPK activation. AMPk is one of the key pathways in which TCA intermediate recycles protons in our cells. AMPk is activated by both exercise, fasting, and metformin, but requires leptin sensitivity with respect to sunlight in the eye from your environment to work. Why? You need red light to control the protons. They have to go to the right carbons to make life do what it does. Proof of this concept is tied to the fact that 1,25 Vitamin D3 has been shown to activate AMPk in vivo to help recycle protons in 3 key metabolic pathways to improve the charge on the surfaces of cells and inside the cytosolic water made by mitochondria. Changes in the retina are a sure FIRST sign that heteroplasmy rates are rising and it is one of the key things clinicians and patients need to monitor in the coming 5 G world that will be using TetraHertz RF frequencies in communications. I showed a paper in my Vermont 2017 talk above that showed choroid thickening in the retina of children was the FIRST sign of obesity. It shows up before the kids GET FAT. Now, ask yourself does food or light get us fat? Is the light the eye receives the key to the obesity crisis? YEP.
Getting rid of your bad protons is what we all need to be doing. How to do it is the basis of just about everything I teach the public and my clients. Most of the have no idea that is what is behind the best healing in the world. The circadian mechanism is 100% tied to how well or badly we recycle protons in our cells.
Coordinating clocks is one way that the brain uses proton movement in our hydrogen bonding networks of water that makes us able to plan for events in the body related to the light environment and alter our diurnal behavior. People forget that red light moves things with MASS best. This is why red light and protons work in unison in the circadian mechanism. The 2017 Nobel Prize was just given for this work but I doubt any clinician understands how it operates in their clients. Now you do!!!! This relationship occurs through the flickering water networks around our proteins and this is triggering nuclear gene networks. What starts the clock ticking is proton and electron movements in mitochondria. It is that simple. When the tissue cannot keep up with the coordination then it can become ill because heteroplasmy rises!!!!!
In human history before electricity and lights and before access to food at all times, clocks were set by the solar environment. Now, food is always available, its protons are replaced by deuterium when a man makes it and photosynthesis doesn't, and there are constant 5700 K lights all around a man—blue computer lights from the computer and cell phone screens. Also, there is rapid travel from time zones. This is why cancer rates are highest in the western time zone and we ignore the evidence because we cannot fathom it's TRUE!!!! This is how addicted humans are to technology!!!! Another MAJOR current factor is shift work at night and work with altered schedules including night work. I just ended this situation in my own professional life this year because I could no longer mitigate my OWN RISKS. Those were detailed in the comments of the Vermont 2017 video.
Even in poorly done animal research, disruption of these factors produces changes in metabolism and many different medical issues including cancer.?In insects and mice, there is early aging, which includes more DNA breaks without repair causing more chance of cancer. Deuterium absorbs more light radiation and this is what causes the changes. We still don't get it because we don't understand how atomic mass and spin control these physical factors to cause swelling.
Nocturnal mice with mutant?PER gene (more deuterium)?have more cancers. Many forget that HIF-1 and PER genes are very related in evolutionary lines. This is why when the PER gene loses its periodicity, cells become hypoxic and HIF-1 rises. This causes NAD+ to drop in your mitochondria and as a result, the free radical signal that is created by our mitochondria changes. That signal is the "software signal" from mtDNA that changes our hardware (nDNA). The opposite can occur via the alteration of?the CRY gene?(less deuterium) which can decrease risk. There are so many complex cycles that results can go in many directions all when we cannot control the recycling of protons using the sun.
One very complex and vital function in all cells is repairing DNA damage. This is why the 3' and 5' hydrogens seem so critical in human studies in Hungary on deuterium-depleted water in cancer victims. People need to wake up!!!! Light is the most powerful drug nature provides.
We need to understand why life is built as it is, so we can properly advocate what to do about it when the bio-physical systems in us go awry. That is the goal of this mitochondriac.
Light via the eye and skin will massively affect the way cells charge themselves. The charge is how cells know to get rid of deuterium. Why? A charge is like a physical sieve to "sense in quantum fashion" the proton's spin, size, and radius in all tissues. The more H+ you have in tissues, the more the sun's red light controls the flow of proton energy in you. This is why Dr. Doug Wallace has said, medicine needs to put energy in the center of healthcare and lose its myopic focus on anatomy. Sunlight activates the 3 key metabolic pathway in your to select the protons they want and put them where your DNA and RNA requires. It turns out proton location specificity is required to be activated, to increase mitochondrial biogenesis; moreover, it is needed to recycle protons at the SN-2 position of the glycerol backbone and the 2' carbon in sugars and lipids. This is critical in DHA and its entrance into cell membranes of the brain and PNS. This is broken in many CNS disorders. They also determine what type of protons are incorporated into the 3' and 5' carbons in ribose used in DNA and RNA.?This is a huge hint of why cancer cells use the Warburg shift.
It is not a sign carbohydrates or glutamine are bad.......it is a sign the cell needs a better proton library to regenerate under the sun's 42% solar spectrum and glucose and glutamine have the "easiest pathway" to repair this need. Today food gurus tell us ketosis is 100% the answer for cancer, but it is not when the ketogenic diet they prescribe is from man-made fats under manmade lights. We have it all wrong folks in biology. If you don't believe me I want you to look at the picture below to make my point clear that NO ONE in BIOLOGY or SILICON VALLEY has my perspective down about how optic nerve swelling occurs from mitochondrial heteroplasmy. If they knew who in their right mind would develop such a piece of technology for humans?
It is CRYSTAL CLEAR TO me that no one understands life as I do. This is why I train modern humans to become MITOCHONDRIACS on my website and on Patreon.
People are enamored with certainty, they only see what they believe and do not believe what they observe.?This is called the Dunning-Kruger effect and its synonym is a cognitive bias.?This is why it is harder to convince people they've been fooled than to just lie to them about selling them a supplement or diet.
Think outside the box when it comes to your health because the medicine box is loaded with Big Pharma medications.
Yes, membership at my site matters when it comes to details unless you abhor details and enjoy mitochondrial diseases. That is a promise I can stand behind.
Director of Community Outreach at BeatCancer.org / Center For Advancement in Cancer Education
2 年Wow!! I keep learning more. I did extensive glutamate research when I worked for a cancer agency. This info on cancer (and the rest) is absolutely mind blowing! I love learning. Thank you
Head of Brand & Marketing within the Water Industry & Water Environment Sector
4 年Faz Colbhie
I’m going to change the world... or at least do my part to make it better. Big things to come!
4 年You are the man! So glad I found you