Why Diaphragmatic Breathing is better than Chest Breathing
Do you want to feel energetic and improve your general health? Take a moment to focus on your breathing. Do you breathe through your mouth or nose? Do you feel gasping for air or calm and comfortable?
How we breathe can make a profound difference to us, no matter whether we are ordinary people, elite athletes, or asthmatics. We humans can live without food for 3 weeks, without water for 3 days, but without breathing we can hardly pass for 3 minutes. Yet, most of us take breathing for granted and don’t pay much attention to how we breathe. It turns out that the breath from many of us is normally fast and shallow, while for some is gentle and effortless, and these different ways of breathing could make a dramatic impact on your health and well-being.
On the in-breath, push your diaphragm down and your belly out; on the out-breath, pull your diaphragm up and your belly in.
Breathing mechanism
In a breathing cycle, the lungs can be expanded and contracted in two ways. One is by lengthening and shortening the chest cavity (up and down) and the other is by increasing and decreasing the chest diameter (front and back).
The first way is mainly performed by the diaphragm which is located between the chest cavity and the abdomen. The diaphragm is the primary breathing muscle that is designed to perform the majority of the breath work. It is a dome-shaped large sheet of muscle that moves down to draw air during inhalation and moves up to expel air during exhalation in a fashion like a piston. Breathing in this way is called diaphragmatic breathing, during which the abdomen moves in and out while the chest is hardly moving. Diaphragmatic breathing is often combined with nose breathing.
The second way is through the chest / intercostal muscles in the chest wall between the ribs, where the intercostal muscles contract to draw air in and relax to expel air out. Breathing in this way is called chest breathing, during which the chest moves in and out. Chest breathing is often combined with mouth breathing.
Comparison between Diaphragmatic and Chest Breathing
Among many, one of the key advantages of diaphragmatic breathing over chest breathing is its much higher efficiency for oxygen intake.?The following summarizes the rationale:
Other than being an efficient way to breathe, diaphragmatic breathing also has other health benefits, such as:
Having said all the advantages of diaphragmatic breathing, chest breathing is here for a reason. Typically, we may breathe through the chest in situations and events that require a sudden and fast increase in oxygen intake, such as in certain sports requiring a shot burst of breathing, or in certain ‘Fight and Flight’ situations.
Other than these fewer common situations, diaphragmatic breathing has been proven to be the most efficient and healthy way in which humans should breathe most of the time. Proper diaphragmatic breathing will make you feel energetic, and it could make profound benefits to your general health. However, in the modern day, most of us more or less do chest breathing, and it is a habit that has been with us for a long time. There are many breathing exercises that could be used for practising diaphragmatic breathing. However, for many, it would require significant time and effort to make diaphragmatic breathing a new habit. Apart from being persistent, a resistance breathing device has been proven to help practice the technique without too much of your attention. AYO BT is one of these devices on offer.
Visit?www.aimwellbreathing.com?for more details.