Why is destiny always is pre-decided
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Can you really believe in the maxim" what is written in your destiny can never be changed or avoided?". Consider this, marriage, money, death, food, birth are based on destiny and they will always bring you to them even without your own knowledge. Here is a story to support this theory. Remember the evil character of Ravan in Ramayan? Ravan had a baby girl and he consulted Brahmadev "whom will she marry when she grows up?"
Brahma saw her horoscope and said that "this girl will get married to that sweeper who is standing at your door right now". Ravan got angry and told his servants "Cut the big toe of this man and throw him into the sea". His soldiers cut his big toe and threw him into the sea at Lanka, the capital of Ravan. This poor sweeper went on swimming a long distance and reached a small island. The King of the island had expired and people were following an elephant with a garland in his trunk, when the people saw this new man had landed on their island from the sea, the elephant threw the garland into this man's neck and the natives of the island carried this person as their next king of the island.
Now, when Ravan's daughter become of marriageable age, Ravan approached this king of the new island to get married to his daughter. The king agreed and got married to Ravan's daughter. Once Ravan invited his son in law to lunch. "Even Brahma tells lies now a days" said Ravan to his son in law, "Brahm had told me that my daughter will get married to a sweeper at my palace door". The king immediately stood up and said "Your honour, I am the same sweeper at your palace door, but with Brahma's plan which is called destiny made me a king of the island and today got married to your daughter." Therefore, it is true that when Brahma writes down your destiny those things happen automatically.
One gets rich suddenly when he is destined to get money from nowhere. One dies at the place pre-decided in his own destiny. Here is another mythological story. Once Garud's mother got sick. Garud was the large bird who was the vehicle of Lord Vishnu. When people visited Garud's mother, he went on asking "who all came to visit my mother today?". Everyone went on telling the names of people visited Garud's home. One day Yamraj who s a God of death visited her and smiled at her.
Garud's mother told Garud, today "Yamraj had come to visit me and smiled when he went away". Garud kept thinking whey would Yamraj went back smiling?. The next day Garud carried his mother to deep woods and kept his mother on the top of a large tree. Yamraj came there to visit her again next day. Garud asked Yamraj "why did you smile yesterday while leaving?" Yamraj smiled once again and said "I knew that her death was written on top of a tree and how come she was still at your home Garud?". When Garud went to see his mother she had passed way on the tree top the same time.
Death can come calling anywhere without advance notice. Some die during travelling in bus, train or aeroplanes, some die in water, some on the roads, some in the hospital and some die even in the comfort of their own homes. The place is destined for everyone to take birth and to die and therefore one must respect destiny and keep respecting her decisions in our life.
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
3 年Obviously Sir, Cheers ??
Wow Kishoreji. Super
Carbon the new black gold….
3 年The line between what is destiny and what you can change is very thin. All holy books state so that do good karmas to improve the next station of life. This station is already written by the previous act. The best comes from Gita , do your best to utmost effort. Leave the rest to lord. Accept the good or bad with eaze.