Why deities hold a handbag?

Why deities hold a handbag?

It is not a handbag at all, I traveled to Sumaria, babylonia and assyria many times in my life, and to mexico and other places . The so called handbags they are holding is basically the book of knowledge and wisdom/ the book of life and usually held by the left hand ,sometimes by the right hand. An offering with the right hand to the tree of life and knowledge usually a pine cone, or a fish.

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Later these symbols were used by the local people as weight for the divers and fishermen as it is the most common jobs at that time beside agriculture, constructor worker, and teachers. Let take the Egyptian symbol hey key of life called the Ankh.

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Stone dish in the shape of an ankh embraced by a pair of arms representing the first dynasty in Egypt they used to cook with it.

The ankh is often shown in the hands of important Egyptian figures, such as pharaohs and kings, preserving their immortality. Moreover, the ankh is commonly depicted in temples and in the grasp of major Egyptian deities such as Osiris, Isis, and Ra, the deities of life ,death and light.

One of the common uses of the word ?n? - ankh was to express a wish that a particular person live. For example, a phrase meaning something like "may you be healthy and alive" was used in polite contexts, similar to the English phrase "if you please", and the phrase meaning "alive, sound, and healthy", was used as an honorific for the pharaoh.

The same consonants were found in the word for "mirror" and the word for a floral bouquet, so the sign was also used in writing these words.

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The ankh Meaning is the Key of life in old Egypt, before that more than 3000 years before the summaries used to hold different key of life made of a handbag, and I call it the book of life. If your name is not in that sacred book of life you don’t enter heaven, sometimes they hold these ankh and the bags in the right hand and the majority hold them with the left hand.

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Many deities and kings of Egypt given the key of life and wisdom , sometimes you see them in the right hand and sometimes in the left hand.

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The dirty gives the key called here the breath of life to the king before he will hold it in his hand she puts it close to his nose and that where the breath starts.

The ankh or key of life is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol that was most commonly used in writing and in Egyptian art to represent the word for "life" and, by extension, as a symbol of life itself. You can also see it in the hands of deities in Egypt . While the ankh in Egypt was one of the most common decorative motifs in ancient Egypt and was also used decoratively by neighboring cultures like the Coptic Christians adapted it into the crux ansata, a shape with a circular rather than oval loop, and used it as a variant of the Christian cross, like in the Vatican. The ankh came into widespread use in western culture in late 1950, and it is now used as a symbol of African cultural identity, and other cultures.

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Mixing the key of life and breath with the ever seen eye gives a total control to the pharaohs as the ultimate watcher and controller.

In Egyptian belief, life was a force that circulated throughout the world. So using the ankh with oval head is a great example of that.

Therefore, the ankh was frequently depicted being held in god's' hands, representing their life-giving power. The Egyptians also believed that when they died, their individual lives could be renewed in the same manner as life in general.

For this reason, the deities were often depicted in tombs giving ankh signs to humans, usually the pharaoh, and that was taken from early civilization of Sumerian, Babylonia and Assyria where the entities give the book of life or the sacred bag. The bag of is contains wisdom, knowledge and seeds.

By extension of the concept of "life", the ankh could signify air or water. In artwork, gods hold the ankh up to the nose of the king: offering him the breath of life.

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The Ankh also mean in translation = Key of life God hand.

The ankh has a cross shape but with a teardrop-shaped loop in place of an upper bar. The origins of the symbol are not known, although many hypotheses have been proposed. It was used in writing as sign to other meaning, representing a sequence of three consonants, ?-n-?. This sequence was found in several Egyptian words, including the words meaning "mirror", "floral bouquet", and "life". In art the symbol often appeared as a physical object representing either life or substances such as air or water that are related to it. It was commonly held in the hands of Egyptian deities.

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Or being given by them to the pharaohs, just like the deities before them did in Sumerian, Mesopotamia , Babylonia, and Assyria ,but they use to use a bag, or the book of life, the book of life in a bag. Later those civilization started using the book of life as a different size of heavy stones as a weight so they can hold on when they dive in the rivers or sea to pick up pearls or catch a fish.

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YOU can see so many different deities like the FISH GOD, and others holding the book of life in a bag. Later fashion took over and the Assyrians started to make fashion bag to keep bird seeds in it, using it as a tool box, have food in it and even have a board game in Sumerian civilization.

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The deity of fish and water giving blessing to the tree of life and knowledge and the king behind them in South Iraq civilization. They are holding a bag of seeds and sometimes called it the magic bag of wisdom, knowledge and the book of life in it.

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From mexican civilization ,you can see a diver/ fisherman with a bag in his hand but this is not a bag , it is a diver weight so he can dive deeper to catch fish with spear ,or gets pearls . Many other so called UFO specialist say this is a battery! and a devise for breathing! It is so stupid , and I dont understand why trying to make up stories to prove there is God instead of focusing on the issue and the civilization of those fishermen and divers at that time . The crown he were is not an astronaut hat but it is a weight also to help the diver go faster to the rivers and sea to catch fish, and get the rocks and exhotic items .

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Another diver and fisherman from peru and also in mexico with bag = the weight to help him dive deep, and in his head cover as an extra weight and face protection.and they use to catch and kill EEl. Eel was and still caught and sold they contain lots of fat and they live deep in the rocks so they have to dive and kill it an they need this weight ( bag ) usually made of stone or metal .

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The diver bag full with pearls , this is the bag from sumaria south of Iraq and using pearls as currency at that time and not everybody can do this job, as many get killed by shark or die in the sea . So after the dive they offer fish and other items to the tree of life and other deities. It is not a battery and not a bag that UFO carry or other gibberish stories you hear on TV.

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You can see that civilization are using same deities from South Iraq all the way to Ecuador ,possibly ships sailed all the way to the other world , or may be the angels did help the other civilization after Noah flood . This deity is holding a bag in the left hand ,the seed bag after Noah flood to help the earth to have more trees and in the right hand offering the pine cone to the tree of life. So this bag is not a device for the deity . In the holy books God talked about different angels with different looks and faces with different number of wings , and some angels with lion head, eagle head, ox and bull head, and so on.

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The handbags and the ankh may have been used decoratively more than any other hieroglyphic sign, and in Mesopotamia, they used it in mirror cases, and floral bouquets were made in its shape, given that the sign was used in writing the name of each of these objects.

Bags was used to hold seeds, food, and also used as a weight for the fishermen so they can hold it and jump to catch fish with spear and get pearls those bags were made of heavy stones or metal to help the fishermen who dive to go deeper . They use to put a robe in it so when they go to the surface they can pull the weight to use it again.

"Man is a tree of the field, Bible –Deuteronomy 20:19  states the Torah.

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The king gilgamesh in south Iraq with his hunting bow and arrows front of the tree of life and behind him the deity holding the magic bag with the book of life and knowledge .

Later all these symbols were used by the Syrians, Greece, Crete, Palestine in the Bronze Age, and later the Christians used the same ankh symbol. Christians claimed the sign was their own, indicating that they could easily regard the ankh as a cross! And they don’t have any evidence to provide.

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The fish deity also do the same thing by offering pine cone to the tree of life and knowledge and holding the book of wisdom and life, as many divers and fisher men used to lose thier lives diving in the rivers and seas.

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The eagle deity also doing the same thing and holding the book of life and knowledge, while give the offering . The eagles used to be fed fish as offering at that time.

Furthermore, in the world of archaeology there are such artefacts as “handbags” not attached to any figure or item. They are made of stone, and it’s so wonderful that the ancients used such a durable material. On the one hand, such artefacts may be regarded as weight-measuring instruments and called “weights”, while on the other hand I would add them to our subject, since obvious elements of spiritual knowledge are engraved on some of them, e.g. the lateral Aspects of a human being.

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Later on after the kingsand deities introduces the bag / the book of life and knowledge the sumerians, assyrians , the greek and crete island started using the bag as a decorative items in the house and the temples , made of stones , wood or metal . The one above is a babylonian as it has the babylonian 8 leaves starts, and the eye of protection, like the khamsa / hamsa for protection that used by the jewish people later.

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This stone bag shows the rivers of life. as the bible and the Quran mentioned that there are 4 famous rivers in heaven you can see 4 streams each with so many branches.and that's was 3000 years ago way before the bible and the Quran.

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This stone bag shows the tree of life the pine tree.

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Other method used to this date in south and central america diver and fishermen is using stone built and the stone bag to assistant to dive faster.Then with the help of robs they can get back the weight and the diver.The bag looks like the one used in South Iraq mesopotamia 4000 years ago.

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South Iraq/sumerian civilization stone bag for specific weight to specific depth in water and the numbers in it , you can see the water waves and the curved squares can tell the divers which one to take and what depth. So these bags are not astrona or batteries bags.

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This stone bag from same civilization as above for shallow depth in the water and you can see the water waves and the 2 squares above it to indicates the depth.

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This stone bag is way advanced as after while the fishermen got more smart ,so they put halls in the stones with the4 metal pins so they can put the net or robs and the smaller hall used in the centre to be used as a scale to weigh the fish for sale.

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The king bag with the book of life and knowledge in sumaria , some say these are buckets to put the fish or seeds in , symbolize the giver of food .

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From Armenia where Noah born, this eagle deity hold the bag , the bag of seed to grow after the flood. the Eagle holding the circular stone made to teach human how to put the seed and crush them then make bread.

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In mexico and beyond the civilization borrowed the same bag holding culture from the kings and deities but it is not a bag , it is the key of secrets knowledge. and the dagger.

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In babelonia, sumeria and persia the kings and deities give honor and prayers to the tree of life, that culture think that this tree of life is exactly under God throne, and In islam it is called shajarat al montaha = meaning the tree of the end ,the last thing before the throne, the tree of knowledge . the tree of life.and the deities holding the bag/ the book of life.

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Sumerian deity give the bag/ book of life and knowledge to the new king.

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2 eagle deities in assyria giving pine cone offering to the tree of life and knowledge ,and holding the bag with the book of life in thier left hands.

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A decorative stone bag with 2 lions hunting a deer.the lion was one of the great symbol in babelonia ,indicates strength and used by the army generals in war against the persians.

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Some people see the wrist band and call it a watch , these are not watches,LOL. they are decorative symbol of royalty it has 12 to 16 leaves from the tree of life the pine tree.the king used to wear one or 2 and sometime one in the neck as necklaces.

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This young man from south america represent a deity with diver head were and a weight bag in the right hand.

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This is Nimrud the bad king who tried to kill Abraham in Iraq. with the bag of wisdom and knowledge in his left hand , and in the right hand he is trying to take the forbiden fruit the pine cone from the tee of knowledge. The sun deity above hime.

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The deities went all over those islands to spread knowledge and you can see th bags and other learning tools. After the flood God didn't leave humanity alone he helped Noah and his children to populate this earth and the angels did the rest.

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This entity is given the fruit of knowledge holding the book of life bag.and so called watches in the wrist as it contains the leaves from the tree of life.


So these bags started as a book of life and deeds, then bag of seeds and offering, then bucket to keep the offering or the pearls in, and later a weight to help the fishermen dive deep to pickup the pearls. We could certainly explain all this by accidental coincidences as mainstream scientists usually do when they don’t have more solid evidence. However, the further longer list of analogies, where more and more facts are added with every new analytical publication, should lead every reasonable person to a newly emerging hypothesis of a single correlation between everything , in my opinion these bags are represents; 

The holly Quran 53;14 mentioned this tree the Sidrat al-Muntahā, THE PINE TREE (Lote-Tree of the Extremity) explained:

It [the Sidrat al-Muntahā] is a very large Tree (shajarah) beyond the 7th heaven. It is named the Sidrat al-Muntahā because there terminates at it whatever ascends from the earth and whatever descends [from heaven] including what comes down from God, including wa?y (divine inspiration), BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE, wise teaching, and other things besides.

Alternatively, [it might be said that this name is because] it is the Uttermost Extremity or the very end of something [or Boundary] intihā' which is one of the many Arabic words for the word end) for the knowledge of the creatures approaching it, relative, that is, to its Existent Being [as located] above the heavens and the earth.

So it is al-Muntahā (the Extremity, Boundary) with respect to [all human] modes of knowledge or other things besides This [it was that] Muhammad saw Gabriel in that location which is the Domain of the Pure and Beautiful, Elevated [celestial] Souls - ma?all al-arwā? al-?uluwiyyah al-zakiyyah al-jamīliyyah)...where the pure good soul end.

The quran and the Torah also mentioned of a book that God called it the book of life that will be hold in the right hand , and the book of death that will be hold in the left hand and sometimes referred to as the book of deeds. There are also sacred trees , the jews have thier own sacred tree , the same tree where Moses talked to God.

There is also a tree in hell called the zaqqum tree . We all have heard of the infamous burning bush. After all, the inaugural relationship between G?d and Moshe takes place through a thorn bush that “was burning in the fire but was not consumed” BIBLE- EXODUS 3:2. And it was at this awesome burning thorn bush that G?d charged Moshe with the mission of redeeming the Jewish People.

What is the spiritual and psychological symbolism behind the vision of this burning bush? Why was this site chosen to begin molding of the Jewish nation?

"Man is a tree of the field, Bible –Deuteronomy 20:19  states the Torah.

All humans are compared to trees and bushes. Just like trees and bushes, we humans contain hidden roots, motives and drives buried beneath our conscious self. Just like trees and bushes, we also possess a personality that is visibly displayed, each in a different from and shape.

Some of us can be compared to tall and splendorous trees, with strong trunks enveloped by branches, flowers and fruits. And some of us might be analogous to bushes, humble plants, lacking the stature and majesty commanded by a tree.

Some of us may even see ourselves as thorn-bushes, harboring unresolved tension and unsettled turmoil. Like a thorn, our struggles and conflicts are a source of constant irritation and frustration, as we may never feel content and complete within ourselves.

All of us ‘trees and bushes’ possess a fire burning within us; a yearning for meaning, love and wholesomeness. Just as the flame of a candle is forever licking the air, reaching upward toward heaven, so too each of us long to kiss heaven and touch the texture of eternity.

Yet for many of us ‘human trees’, the longing flame of our soul is satisfied and ultimately quenched by our sense of spiritual accomplishment and success. We might feel content with our spiritual achievements; complacent in our relationship with God, and satisfied with the meaning and love we find in our lives.

We burn and burn and our fire never ceases. Since the ultimate peace we are searching for remains beyond us, and the reality and depth of G?d always eludes us, our internal void is never filled, leaving us humbled and thirsty, ablaze with a flame and yearning that is never satisfied and quenched.

According to kabbalah teaching the tree represents a series of divine emanations of God's creation itself ex-nihilo the nature of revealed divinity, the human soul, and the spiritual path of ascent by man. In this way, Kabbalists developed the symbol into a full model of reality, using the tree to depict a map of creation.

The Tree of Zaqqum is a tree in jahannam hellfire, fruits of Zaqqum are shaped like devils' heads (Qur'an 37:62-68). Some Islamic scholars believe in a literal meaning of this tree grown in fire, showing the inverted flora of hell. The inhabitants of hell are forced to eat the tree's fruits, which tears their bodies apart and releases bodily fluids as a punishment. So the old civilization somehow new about those trees and book of life and the important of the connection between human and God they did thier best to describe and pass the information the key knowledge to each other from a powerful source like a king , a ruler or a prophet who took the messages from God by angels .

The book of life and knowledge , the bag of seeds of life, and the offering to the tree of life that represent the tree of knowledge, where adam and eve first broke the law. which today we have the honour of having in our hands. So, what did Gods carry in their “handbags”? They carried spiritual wisdom, knowledge, and the offering is the worshiping the creator. Just like what the arc of the covenant vessel used to carry God commandments that was given to moses in the plates, abraham book, the torah, Adam and abraham some belonging and teaching materials.

Steve Ramsey, PhD.

If you are interested I can present an educational lecture about this topic and many other discoveries I have made IN THE EGYPTOLOGY topics and the sumerians civilizations. please visit my blog at www.moleopedia.com


Dr.Steve Ramsey, PhD MSc-(hon) in Med Ultrasound.RMSKS.的更多文章

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