Radically Transform Your Money Paradigm: Income, Savings, Debt, Financial Goals, Investments | Represent Your Singular Work & Business w/ Gravity | High Ticket Sales | Driven Entrepreneurs & Prof Creatives
I know it's not sexy to talk about debt, but to NOT talk about it or look at what is going on there is deeply affecting the other (sexier) parts of your money.
It all connects. It all counts
Each part of your money and the programming/beliefs related to each make up the whole.
It's not uncommon for me to encounter business owners or advanced creatives who have a lot of recognition and are making a lot of money while ALSO managing equally large credit lines.
In fact, this is exactly how I signed one of my first few clients in my business.
He was a digital publisher who had grown his company exponentially. He was ambitious and driven. He is easily the wealthiest client I have had yet.
The more money he made, the more he outsourced to expand his business. He was doing very well financially, but his business credit lines were also increasing in order to leverage the bigger moves he was making. This was causing stress and, as a result, his focus was effected.
Too often I see people oversimplifying the nature of debt, whether it's the basic advise of: Don't spend more than you make.
Except, it completely ignores a bigger truth.
And by that I mean it is unconscious.
Your unconscious is 30,000 times stronger than your 'thinking' conscious brain.
Why you must *also* address the nervous system and the emotional cellular.
Debt can feel like a looming pressure that sucks a lot of your attention and energy. It keeps many business owners up at night.
Often times, as my clients make more money, they soon recognize a lot of their patterns rear their head and even become dramatically amplified.
"Make More Money" is not the be all end all, mkay?
Most would say: I just need to pay off my debt, then I'm fine.
Except, it generally gets more complicated than that when it comes to managing money, life, and business, especially as you grow FAST. There are a lot of pieces to that which can be overwhelming, and what we don't see is we can be in conflict to our vision without recognizing it. Your relationship to debt can show you that.
Each part of your money can show you exactly what is operating IF you are willing to look.
I would not dismiss the value of learning money management, except it's also important to uncover what causes the debt and frustrating patterns in the first place.
Most focus *only* on the symptom.
I must stress that debt in and of itself is not inherently bad.
It can be an excellent way to leverage and expand your business, but it can sometimes lead to causing a lot of pressure and stress which affects your best decision-making.
Each person has their own relationship to *each* part of their money and I truly wish more people honored that rather than shamed and judged it. But I also know that's taught ??
When it comes to debt, it's important to uncover the (layered) root cause.
If you don't go to the cause, you may pay your debt off only to experience it again...and again, which is why debt cycles can become extremely distracting and effect your momentum when it comes to income and savings growth, and most importantly, developing your most important work.
Everything is delicately interconnected.
There is something unconsciously playing out.
Also why I've had clients who have declared bankruptcy in the past only to find themselves once again approaching a similar fate. They knew they had to resolve the cause.
One client shared that while being in bankruptcy court, he saw several cases of people who were on their second bankruptcy. So how did that happen....again? I was too aware of the answer.
I worked with an advanced creative and consultant who had experienced bankruptcy a few years prior and was tired of the erratic financial cycles that were occurring in his business.
We uncovered his programming/beliefs/trauma related to the first ~7 years of his life as well as the financial trauma he experienced years later related to his business and past jobs. He was still (unconsciously)playing out a lot of unresolved internal battle and trauma from his father and past business partners, whether it was trying to prove himself or still holding emotions related to betrayal and rage as a result of failed business pursuits.
This programming (and trauma) gets specific and it can cause a lot of self-protecting patterns that can lead to sabotage. This is also why I invoke a comprehensive psychosomatic approach in order to dissolve the cause at multi-levels: cognitive, energetic: nervous system and energy centers, and the emotional cellular.
As long as you are energetically and emotionally (which is typically unconscious) attached to the past, you risk repeating it...again and again. This gets extremely fine and subtle and why a psychosomatic approach is essential.
And though I'm talking about money, we never really are, despite what it seems.
What's at the root of your money goes much deeper than you know.
And it absolutely affects all areas of your life, especially since it connects to everything: safety/security, love, and self-image...
Money is an object, whether digital or physical, we project our programming/beliefs/trauma.
And with that can summon a lot of heavy and murky emotions of shame, guilt, anger, resentment, bitterness, anxiety, and disappointment which causes protective patterns to develop in order to keep you SAFE, yet deeply unsatisfied.
The advanced creative/consultant secured a year long contract soon after finishing our work together to resolve his deep shame and anger. The power lies in uncovering the darker emotional/mental programming my clients hold related to money so we can transmute it into that which truly serves them, not works against them.
*Each* part of your money is a metaphor for your interpersonal dynamic relationship to control, desire, worthiness, forgiveness, safety, and unresolved pain/trauma — whether you're banking a lot of money, it has something to show you...
Especially when it comes to what you're allowing (or not) for your business and Your Singular Work's development and expression.
Catherine xx
(PRIVATE 1:1 SUPPORT) (4 months)
Starting in September
FOR BUSINESS LEADERS AND ADVANCED CREATIVESAddress ALL parts of your money at multi-levels, and develop Your Singular Work so you can communicate and represent your work with gravity and true influence.
Command the attention you deserve while fully supporting and representing your work as you are truly meant.
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Radically Transform Your Money Paradigm: Income, Savings, Debt, Financial Goals, Investments | Represent Your Singular Work & Business w/ Gravity | High Ticket Sales | Driven Entrepreneurs & Prof Creatives
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