Why Creating a YT Channel in 2024 is a Stupid Idea ?? (And What to Do Instead)?
Ashish Barui
1.1 Mn+ Followers (FB - 850k+ followers | YT- 300k subs) | Certified Meditation & Life Coach | Author(Beat Depression) | 400+ coached (May'23) | IIM-M
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If you’re thinking about starting a YouTube channel as a coach in 2024,
Read this in full before you do it.
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Before you say this, how can you be so confident? Let me share my experience with YouTube.
?? ?? ???????? ?? ???????????? ???????? ???????????? + ?????????????? ?????????????? ???????? ???????? ???????? in the educational field.
?? ?? ???????? ?????????????? ???????????????? ?????????????????? with 1 million+ subscribers in the mental health/self-development space — ?? to be precise.
?? Have ????????+ ?????????? ?????????????? students on Udemy course.
?? Have ???????????????? ?? ?????????????? ?????? ?? ???????? on YouTube growth.
Before diving into why it is not a good idea to start YT in 2024.
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?? ???? ?????????? ?????????????????? – It feels fulfilling to share what you know. I also started my YT channel for this reason – to share my learnings.
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?? ???? ???????? ?????????? while doing so – through AdSense, sponsorships, selling courses.
?? ?????????????? – To have time freedom and location freedom
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?? ???? ?????????????? ???????? ???? ???????????????????? ????????. Only a few YouTube channels can make it to the top.
? Many people invest ???????? ???? ?????????? in recording, editing, and thinking about videos. And then find out it is not working. They only got ???? ?????????????????????? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ???????????? (including their mom, siblings, friends, or colleagues who are not even interested in their videos.)
If you already have a YouTube channel, ?????? ???????? ???????? ?? ???? ?????????????? ??????????.
?? See, making a video and sharing experience and knowledge is easy. Making it reach people and let people take action is the real challenge.
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The main problem is ?????? ?????????? ????????????????????????. Here are a few realities:
? ????????: Building a channel that pays can take at least ?? ??????????. It rises exponentially, so you should expect no growth in the first 2 years. Max, 1000 - 5000 subscribers, and then sudden growth in the 3rd or 4th year.
?? ?????????????? ?????? ?????????????? ?????? ??????????????: Your account can be demonetized or deleted at any time. I guess many of you have experienced this as well.
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?? ???????? ???????????????? ??????????: You’ll need to learn everything from SEO, video production to improve your oratory skills.
?? It ?????????? ?? ?????? ???? ???????? to do so. Editing, optimizing, and creating takes a ton of effort.
?????? ??????’?? ??????????. ??????????'?? ?? ????????????, ?????????????? ?????? ???? ???????? ???? ????????????, get a ton of subscribers ?????????????? ?????????????? ???????????? ???? ???????????????? ????????????.
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See, I am a realist, not a pessimist –
???????????????? ???????????????? ??????'?? ???????? ?????? ??????????????. It will just keep you sane for some time. Smart thinking will help you succeed. And here I will share about the smart way.
?? ???????? ?????????????? ???? ?????? ???????? and in the timeline but understand it requires a minimum of ?? ?????????? to produce any result (if it does.)
?? Start YouTube only after you start making $10K/month consistently (before that it is unnecessary).
?? ???????? ????????????: Invest in expertise—don’t struggle alone. You can hire people to do less enjoyable tasks and outsource 8 hours/day of your work.
?? ?????????? ????????????: After getting to 10k a month – You can hire a full-time YouTube Manager/agency for $2.5K/month. That way, you can only focus on content creation, and all other things will be taken care of (by your team/agency).
?? Understand that YouTube is a tool, not the end goal. Focus on growing your coaching business first.
So, do it smartly.
And if you see – in hindsight – in 3 years, this way, you can grow more, enjoy more, and have a higher chance of high probability of succeeding on YouTube and growing to 100k.
Rian Doris followed this same philosophy. He hired Andrew Kirby for $300k(You read that right - $300,000), and boom his 1st video did 1.5 Mn Views.
Ask yourself, ????????’?? ?????? ???????? ?????????
Do you want real impact and income, or just views and likes?
???????? ???????? don’t mean success; $10K/month does.
?? Focus on building your business to $10K/month before you even think about starting a YouTube channel. When you’re ready, YT can amplify your impact and reach, not just be another struggle.
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?? Why Creating a Course in 2024 is a Stupid Idea: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/why-creating-course-2024-stupid-idea-what-do-instead-ashish-barui-ictgc/
?? Why writing a book is a stupid idea [in 2024]:https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/why-writing-book-stupid-idea-2024-here-what-you-should-ashish-barui-la3dc/
?????????????????? ???? ?????? ???????????????????? (Coaching Business: The best way to Grow your coaching business to 15k per month and more) if you want to learn how to hit $15K/month with just one product in just 3 hours a day!
????: If you’re looking for a step-by-step roadmap to get to $50K/month. Comment "Roadmap" below, and I’ll send it to you (limited to first 10 people only).