Why Creating a Course in 2024 is a Stupid Idea (And What to Do Instead)
Ashish Barui
1.1 Mn+ Followers (FB - 850k+ followers | YT- 300k subs) | Certified Meditation & Life Coach | Author(Beat Depression) | 400+ coached (May'23) | IIM-M
I’m not just making this claim out of thin air. I launched my first course back in 2017, one of the earliest course creators from India. My goal was to sell low-ticket courses and achieve time and money freedom. Life seemed pretty set.
But obviously, that did not happen, I will share the results by the end of this post.
First, let’s focus on why it won’t work in today’s market.
???? ????????-???????? ????????????: You are working on a course in a closed room. You are thinking just by talking to 5-6 people - "Yaay, they need this." So, let me create a complete course for them. But will they even buy it?
?????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ????????????: Your common sense and skills are different from your clients. If they were the same, why would they buy from you in the first place?
- I am a techy and a nerd. I am a computer science engineer and was interested in Hacking. I am one of the early adopters of new tech. If I expect my clients to have the same skill sets, I would see a ton of refunds.
- Many of my clients are not interested in tech. They have an FB account but use it rarely. Many don't even use LinkedIn accounts. I cannot expect the same type of expertise from them. How will I know if I close myself in a room creating the "world's best course"?
It is ???????????????????????? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????????????? ?????????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????????: In today's time, we are wired for instant gratification. While creating a course, you won't see any results for at least 6 months. It is easy to go insane and quit when you won’t see a result for that long.
?????? ???????????? ???? ???????? ???? ????????: Suppose you price your product at $99. To make $3000, you have to sell 30 copies/month.
- For that, you need ????,?????? ?????????????????????? on your website a month.
- ??????,?????? ?????????? on YouTube long videos (not shorts), considering one sale in 5000 views.
- ??????? Please don’t run ads. You will burn all the money you have. For this, you need to be a master in marketing, designing, copywriting, and more. In short, running ads is a full-time job.
?????? ????????????????????: To make $10,000, you need 100 buyers, which is harder than getting 5 buyers who can pay you $2000 for coaching.
Let’s now see what happened to me.
I took ?? ???????? to make my course perfect, then published it, only to find I had to sell it.
People won’t magically come to you.
Creating the course was just ??/???????? ???? ?????? ?????????????? ????????.
To avoid creating a sales page and all, I chose Udemy, but they took half my money. There was still so much manual work.
Quickly, I realized my 1 year of hard work was wasted.
??????, ?????? ???? ???????????? ?? ?????????????
It’s a step-by-step process. If you skip a single step, you’ll waste a year creating something nobody wants.
?????????? ????????: Coaching people 1-on-1
This is easier than selling a course, and you can charge more. If you charge $2000 and sell to just 2 clients, that’s enough money to start building your business and keep your mind sane.
???????? ???????? - Increase your price and give more time so that your clients will succeed.
?????? ????????: ?????????? ???????????????? ?????? ?????????????????? (Optional if feasible for your niche/market)
Once you coach 9-10 people, you’ll become an expert, better than 99% of people. You can save time, help more people, and make more money through group coaching.
?????? ????????: By now, you’ll notice repetitive topics. You can start creating mini videos to help clients understand the context and reduce your time by ????%.
Repeat until you know what’s needed, then create the 1st draft of your course.
By this time, you’ll have:
- A loyal audience
- Enough money to do what you like
- The ability to hire people to reduce your workload
- All materials for selling your course
- Most importantly, a course that can help your clients.
Now, you can sell these courses for $????????+ like Cole Gordon and Sam Ovens did. Charge $10k for 1-on-1 coaching, or create mini-courses (1 module of your main course) to sell to those who can’t afford your high-ticket program.
Many who can’t afford high-ticket coaching will buy your course. They might even become 1-on-1 clients later, as the course will genuinely help them.
I followed the same formula.
It helped me keep my mind sane and:
- Money (five figures) is coming in every month
- I can focus on each client
- I have peace of mind and work only 4 hours a day
I’m still taking feedback and haven’t created the perfect course. But every day, I’m helping myself and my clients. This is what matters.
The last thing ?? ???????? ???? ?????? ????:
???????????? ?????? ??????????????. If you just want quick results and chase passive income, it will bite you back. (More on this in the next post.)
BTW, have you read my step-by-step guide on growing your coaching business to $?????? ?? ?????????? and beyond in ???? ???????? ???? ???????? with just 1 FB/LI account and only 1 coaching program, without using paid ads, websites, or logos?
If not, comment "??????" and I’ll send you access.
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