Why Copywriting Is So Important

Why Copywriting Is So Important

What Is A Copywriter?

Have you ever wondered what a copywriter really does? Or considered becoming one yourself? Copywriting is a great transferable skill to have. It’s basically salesmanship in print, and can help you land a place in the marketing/communications/PR world pretty easily. On top of doing the obvious task of writing copy, they also brainstorm and create concepts for marketing and advertisements. They often work in partnership with other facets or departments of a company like graphic design, digital advertising, email marketing, social media, etc. Copy is versatile and its effects can be seen in various formats and media such as videos, emails, articles, social media captions, or blog posts. Basically, if a CMO is trying to best figure out how to influence a customer to buy their product or use their service, you'll want to send a copywriter a Google Meet invitation to that meeting.

Copywriting For Beginners

One of the most important elements of a copy is your headline, or title. If it doesn’t grab the customer’s attention, they’re not going to read the rest of the copy. It has to spark an interest. Another important tip is to understand your reader and audience. What keeps them up at night? What are their problems? What do they want, but aren’t getting? And how can you help them? Specific numbers and statistics can improve your writing as well. This gives your reader proof and evidence to believe that you are an expert. Testimonials and ratings are also helpful to note. While helping educate the consumer is all good and dandy, providing them with a clear call-to-action is crucial. Imagine leading the horse to the trough and there's no water in it...What's the point? Tell them where to go. Make it clear and obvious how to proceed to perform the action you worked so hard to get them to do.

Why Copywriting Is So Important

Copywriting is so much more than re-arranging words to promote a business or make a product sell better. Copywriting is unique because it's not just marketing . The way you communicate with consumers is the foundation of who you are as a brand. In this day and age, marketing isn't enough. There are a hundred companies waiting to swoop in and sell a potential customer the same product. Your brand sells, not your marketing. Good copy helps leave a lasting impression on the customer. Whether that impression is "Man, these guys are funny," or "I appreciate the transparency," everyone has something that's important to them. Once you understand your target audience, you can speak to them effectively by figuring out what drives them through their buyer journey.

Improving Your Brand Image

Knowing what your business looks like through the eyes of your customers is what your brand really is. It's not what you think it is or want it to be. A good copywriter should be equipped with the tools and skills to understand how crucial it is to position your company properly in the market and how to make it stand out. Let's be real. It's 2022, most marketing and branding efforts are done online, as we live in the world of content. Once you establish what your brand should be, it's crucial to make sure your company's content is not sloppy, outdated, or un-relatable. Quality copy enhances your brand message and image, making your company more desirable to the targeted audience.

Speaking To Customers On A Personal Level

Like mentioned above, figuring out who your audience is helps dictate how to evoke the right emotion from a company's messaging. Rapport is one of the best customer success skills you can offer. It helps the customer feel good about your services. This leads to having trust and gaining loyal customers, especially when they feel confident in your company's communication. So don't be shy to ask your copywriter or marketing department to practice transparency. Copywriters are well-versed in rhetoric, allowing them to be the best person for the job to get a consumer to feel something, which is hard when the market is as noisy as it is.

Is Hiring A Copywriter Worth It?

If you have the means to do so, then yes. Copywriters bring a unique set of skills to a company on top of just writing. There are tons of good writers, but not everyone has the skill of empathy, to truly put themselves in the shoes of a potential customer and figure out what they need to hear. Copywriters are chameleons and can support a wide variety of projects like social media, blogs, web content, email/SMS copy...the list goes on and on. A little tip, though, when searching for a copywriter for your business...Don't be immediately sold on the "Well, I'm a great storyteller," line when interviewing. We've all told stories, we're all storytellers. Ask for a sample piece/pieces and choose from candidates who moved you, who made you feel something. Did you giggle? Did you furrow your eyebrow to think extra hard about what was read? Maybe you smiled. Whatever it was, remember that copy should move you in some way, shape, or form. If it does, now just imagine what kind of magic that writer could work for your company.


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