Why content syndication is an effective marketing strategy
Every organization's marketing strategy revolves primarily around content. Content plays a vital role in successfully achieving results from your digital marketing campaigns. But your content needs exposure to do well, and that's exactly what content syndication does. Syndication allows your content to reach thousands of readers. Content marketers may know the importance of generating demand and leads through content syndication and whitepaper syndication.
What is Content Syndication?
Republishing content on other third-party websites is the very definition of content syndication. It's like your content is participating with other reputable and authoritative websites to attract an audience. No matter how good your content is, publishing it on your website will give it the attention of an audience limited to your area. But with syndication, you'll also be able to reach what we call OPA (Other People's Audience).
Content syndication and hosting
The scalability of content syndication is more advantageous than hosting. You are writing a post that you want to publish on your blog to reach your niche audience. Now you republish it on any trusted platform to take advantage of its reach to a wider audience.
In the guest posting, you write a post for any website or blog in your niche and it introduces you to the audience of that website or blog.
Isn't guest posting as scalable as the number of guest posts you'll be able to successfully pitch and publish? By syndicating your content, you will be able to reach a wider audience compared to guest broadcasting with just one post.
Is it an effective marketing strategy?
Most people are afraid of content syndication because Google does not support duplicate content. When you republish your content on other third-party sites, the problem of duplicate content arises. However, Google understands and can distinguish content syndication from duplicate content. Don't worry about getting fined by Google because they don't penalize you for syndication. In the worst-case scenario, duplicate versions of your content may be filtered out of search results. So don't worry about messing up your SEO strategy and focus more on the "marketing" aspects.
The most influential sites on the web, such as the Huffington Post, the New York Times, and CNN, also feature syndicated content. In addition, you can also choose your specific audience by customizing demographics to reach the relevant audience.
What makes it great?
Some minor issues aside, content syndication is still an indispensable technique for gaining wide coverage. Here are some of the main benefits of content syndication tactics and whitepapers that make them great.
Massive exposure
By sharing your content on authoritative and reputable sites, you will be able to get massive exposure from a large audience. This is a great opportunity to get leads from the loyal and large audience of these third-party sites, which is otherwise not possible by posting on your personal blog or website.
If your original blog post has the potential to reach 1,000 readers, then syndicating that content to a good website can increase its reach tenfold or even more.
A good digital impression of your brand
If you regularly collect quality content, your brand will build a stable online presence. You will become easily accessible and visible digitally. Start collecting quality content that is useful to your audience. Follow it up with other content snippets and you can educate your visitors.
Increase traffic
Increasing traffic to your business is the most common content syndication goal for most businesses. By syndicating your content, you will be able to drive organic traffic that will be loyal to your brand.
Search engines will see your content as a quality resource because it appears on a trusted website or blog. As a result, your content is more likely to appear high in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) and you can increase traffic and therefore more business.
Brand awareness
Once any reader lands on your site through republished content, you can use that opportunity to educate them about your brand. Make an impression with valuable things pre-planned for visitors and show them how useful and valuable your brand is to them.
Improving demand and generating leads
Very few tactics will give you the benefits of both demand and lead generation. With content syndication, you can benefit from both of these hierarchical stages of marketing (demand and lead generation) accomplished with just one strategy.