Why is Consumption All-Important in 2021?
In the thoughtfulness of the United Nations, 2021 was christened the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV2021). In this post, I will like to advocate that IYFV2021 does not end as a cliche, it should permeate our daily lives and culture.
Two aspects of consumption are vital to the health, sustainable development and prosperity of individuals, as distinct economic agents - foods consumption and words consumption.
By words consumption, I refer to the pace, pattern and content (PPC) of the human learning experience. To my mind, the PPC determines the pace and pattern of human development. Learning is multifaceted, so it may involve observation as well as reception of words communicated through a variety of media.
Whenever the human mind keeps learning, it tends to stay agile, creative, and productive. On the other hand, at whatever point in the continuum of life when we choose to stop learning, a subscription to the gradual depletion of our mental resources is activated.
Just as we have low- nutrition foods, commonly referred to as junk food, there are low-nutrition words. Junk words are words that sound pleasing or even logical to the mind but may have harmful effects on the perspective and orientation of the human mind.
In reality, every word could be potentially damaging, therefore if we must live with sustainably healthy minds we must always sift the content of our education materials using our reasoning faculties. Otherwise, we would grow more likely to take ill-advised and sub-optimal decisions.
Despite open knowledge about the economic and social value in the consumption of high-nutrition foods, including drinks, fruits, nuts and vegetables, many consumers continually derive satisfaction from a daily consumption of low-nutrition foods and drinks.
There are several factors that may account for the human tendency to act irrationally against their own mental, physical,social and economic well being. While income size, tastes and preferences may be important, for people who may work in both formal and informal economies, time-poverty may be another significant influencer.
My observation of and research on time-poor workers, including students, reveal that opting for junk food is perceived by most to be more time-saving than choosing healthier alternatives. Also, in many cases, healthy drink options such as fruit blends and smoothies tend to be relatively more expensive and scarcely available than most unhealthy options.
High-nutrition foods are good for the global economy. They build human immunity and resistance against infectious diseases. A healthy and well-fed working population, as well as dependent population, will report fewer sick or unproductive days during the year. Ultimately, increase in labour productivity and efficiency would lead to a boost in global output of value-creating goods and services.
In order that, individuals may prioritize fruits and vegetables, which build immunity over and above junk food, we must provide incentives for them to do so. Household, corporate, state and global policies should prioritize mechanisms that help individuals choose 'healthy' over 'tasty'.
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, fruits and vegetables can aid speedy recovery and restoration to health. In addition, children must be trained to prefer healthy snacks and drinks to their unhealthy alternatives. This can make firms rethink and invest more in the production and packaging of healthy snacks.
Global health and safety will thrive on the quality of individual choices to learn right and eat right. Let us save the people and planet by consuming right in 2021 and beyond.