?? Excited for GHC 2024: Seeking Co-op & Full-Time Roles! ?? ?Thrilled to announce that I'll be attending the Grace Hopper Celebration this October in Philadelphia organized by! ?? Last year’s GHC was an unforgettable experience for me. I had the chance to meet and connect with so many innovative companies, building relationships that opened doors for my career. Leveraging those connections, I applied to hundreds of internships, and though the journey was challenging with daily rejections, it made me stronger and more resilient. ?? This year, I’m aiming even higher. As I prepare to graduate in December, I’m actively seeking co-op and full-time opportunities in software engineering. I can’t wait to dive into everything GHC has to offer, reconnect with this inspiring community, and discover the next steps in my journey! ?? #GHC24,#Philadelphia ,#GraceHopperCelebration,#WomenInTech, #LetsConnect,#CollectivePower,#Technology,#FullTime,#TechOpportunities,#AnitaBorg,#Networking,#SoftwareEngineer,#EmpowerWomenInTech,#computerscience,#Women,#InformationTechnology,#CodeToInspire,#GHC #CareerOpportunities ????,#TechEmpowerment,#WomenInIT, #TechNetworkingOpportunities,#MastersInIT.