Why are companies modern day heroes?

Why are companies modern day heroes?

What is heroism? A hero would strive for the safety and wellbeing of people through courage, skills, controlled power, leadership and self-sacrifice, would solve problems and provide people with guidance, while also inspiring and providing hope. In today's world, companies, whether they are aware or not, have the potential to become heroes. Through their employment opportunities, economic impact, innovation and the reach of their products and services, companies have a significant influence on the economy, society and the environment.

We can evaluate the impact areas of companies at four levels: employees, company, community, and planet.

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When a company treats its employees equally and fairly and prioritizes their wellbeing and happiness, it contributes to both the employees and the company. It increases employee loyalty, job productivity, company revenues and strengthens the sustainable corporate culture and brand image.[1] By creating meaning for their employees through a strong corporate culture, companies encourage and support their employees to participate in projects that benefit the society. Companies can also make significant contributions to employment and equality through corporate social responsibility projects. They raise awareness among their employees and the public on various sustainability topics and take actions that contribute to the society and the planet.

The Sustainable Development Goals were introduced in 2012 at the United Nations conference in Rio de Janeiro with the aim of eradicating poverty, protecting the planet, and ensuring peace and prosperity for all people, and came into effect in 2016.[2] With the emergence of these goals, sustainability has gained even more importance. Investors and banks now consider sustainability as a primary evaluation criterion when making investments. Companies are also aware of the significance of this issue. In the Business Roundtable meeting held in 2019, the principle that the priority of a company is to serve its shareholders was abandoned. 181 CEOs committed to managing their companies for the benefit of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, communities, and the planet.[3]?

In addition to these, Generation Z, who are today's and tomorrow's consumers, and will be the future leaders, are highly sensitive to protecting the planet and sustainability issues.[4] They want to work in a meaningful work environment that contributes positively to the society, country, world and the environment.?

Although it is reassuring to see the sensitivity of future leaders in this regard, it is in the hands of hero companies that prioritize benefiting their employees, customers, consumers and the planet as much as their profitability to accelerate the process of creating a better world.?

[1] https://hbr.org/2015/12/proof-that-positive-work-cultures-are-more-productive

[2] https://www.undp.org/sdg-accelerator/background-goals

[3] https://www.businessroundtable.org/business-roundtable-redefines-the-purpose-of-a-corporation-to-promote-an-economy-that-serves-all-americans

[4] https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/03/generation-z-sustainability-lifestyle-buying-decisions/?tpcc=nlgreeninc



