Why Colonizing the Moon Is A Bad Idea

Why Colonizing the Moon Is A Bad Idea

The act of building anything on the Moon could alter its fragile delicate gravitation relationship with Earth resulting in massive alterations of weather patterns, ocean tides and seasons. Blasting things off the moon during the Apollo missions have already altered the Moon in many ways including producing a toxic atmosphere from alien gases not indigenous to the moon environment.. The Moon has served Earth well for billions of years just as it is so maybe we should just leave her alone.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says,

" Colonizing the Moon Could Be the Key to Saving the Earth? "  


Humanities true survival is more dependent on decolonizing the mega cites of Earth, and moving all of humanity into more homeostasis environs in step with our natural evolution into the future, without all this madness, war, pollution, greed, borders, hatred, and religious, and governmental separations.

The real reason humans have not returned to the Moon is the dust..The dust on the moon is sticky very fine dust and is very deep and gets into everything and anything. You can't escape the dust on the Moon, so unless we can figure out a way to vacuum up all that dust no one is going to live for long on the Moon.

" The Apollo Moon missions of 1969-1972 all share a dirty secret. “The major issue the Apollo astronauts pointed out was dust, dust, dust,” says Professor Larry Taylor, Director of the Planetary Geosciences Institute at the University of Tennessee. Fine as flour and rough as sandpaper, Moon dust caused ‘lunar hay fever,’ problems with space suits, and dust storms in the crew cabin upon returning to space. "

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These spoiled billionaire geeks are already ripping this planet apart to make a buck, can't imagine what these Bozos' will do once on some other body in space. Pipe dreams and stupidity seem to go hand in hand with these guys. Like that Elon Musk guy blasting that car into space, as if there isn't already enough junk up there. I mean really ! What good is a car in space, when they are designed to roll on roads here on the Earth? Duh!

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" Earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters could kill millions in the world's teeming "mega-cities" and time is running out to prevent such a catastrophe, a UN expert on emergency relief has warned.

In Kobe, a city which is still nursing wounds from the earthquake that struck a decade ago, the UN director of emergency relief, Jan Egeland, painted an apocalyptic picture of imminent natural disasters in the world's mega-cities, predicting they could be "one hundred times worse" than the Boxing Day tsunami.

"Perhaps the most frightening prospect would be to have a truly mega-disaster in a mega-city," Mr Egeland told the World Disaster Prevention Conference. "Then we could have not only a tsunami-style casualty rate as we have seen late last year but we could see 100 times that in a worst case," said Mr Egeland, who warned that "time is running out" to prevent such a catastrophe. "

" NASA scientists are also concerned about health issues that may result from inhaling Moon dust. When astronauts return to the Moon and travel to Mars they will have to be careful about what they inhale. In 1972, when Apollo astronaut Harrison Schmitt sniffed the air in his lunar module, the Challenger, he said that it smelled like gunpowder. His commander Gene Cernan agreed. "

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Bottom line- We have plenty of problems to fix here on our, " Good Earth" first, rather than heading off into space to pollute, exploit and tear up some other world.

Moon Colony Discussion-

Ron - " Pretty much total nonsense...also, in the case of asteroid or runaway virus, we need a second population. Bezos is so right on this...although maybe for the wrong reason$ " 

Sol - " The Moon has zero protection from anything flying through space such a cratered pitted dusty lifeless place where no current human being would ever survive much less want to live in a tin can. A asteroid shower would surly wipe out anything on the Moon first way before impacting Earth and as for a virus probably would start on the Moon and spread to the Earth." 

Ron - " true...a proper moonbase would be below the surface, and very large. It would need to be self sufficient in energy, growing food, etc. A big job...but we should be getting on with it. Amazon just wants people there to deliver stuff to, but there are good reasons to d0 it. " 

Sol - " Very Large? So you are suggesting millions of tons of extra mass on the Moon Plus thousands of rockets back & forth Madness total madness .. Not to mention excavating, displacing all that matter, MOON Matter mountain!` Humans been living on this planet and surviving for millions of years without living on the Moon so why now.. Why all of a sudden we must put humans on the Moon or we all gonna die! " 

Ron - " not at all...mine out the space below the surface using robots. Very large as in not a tin can... no lifting materials up from Earth...that would be insane. " 

Sol - " There is not a lot of raw materials on the Moon for making shopping malls"

Ron - " Negligible change of mass, not that that has anything to do with anything. The whole thing about changes to the mass of the moon is nonsense...total, complete, nonsense. Check out what the mass of the moon is...human activity is not material. " 

Sol - " A Mag 8 earthquake changed the whole orbit of planet earth just a few years back. So you think digging huge holes on the Moon wont have repercussions? Even a small impactor from space would totally destroy your underground base in a heartbeat.. Those things are not slowed down one bit by a atmosphere on the Moon. " 

Sol - " We could create a 100 populations in space but if we don't change the warlike nature of the earthly humans we are totally wasting valuable energy and time, that could be spent here on the Earth creating a peaceful, Utopian Planet, with asteroid protection technology as well elimination of all disease, and sickness. Plenty to do here first just saying. And nobody has to live in tin can or in a hole in the ground " 

Sol - " Actually the gravitational tug the Earth has on the Moon is not that strong, in fact the Moon is escaping Earth orbit and someday will simply just fly off on its own becoming another planet around the Sun, just saying we could hasten that day by jostling things around up there.. And knowing humans some explosions when war breaks out with the Moon Colonist when they want independence from Earth. " 

Moon's Surface

With too sparse an atmosphere to impede impacts, a steady rain of asteroids, meteoroids and comets strikes the surface of the Moon, leaving numerous craters behind. Tycho Crater is more than 52 miles (85 kilometers) wide.

Over billions of years, these impacts have ground up the surface of the Moon into fragments ranging from huge boulders to powder. Nearly the entire moon is covered by a rubble pile of charcoal-gray, powdery dust and rocky debris called the lunar regolith. Beneath is a region of fractured bedrock referred to as the megaregolith.

The light areas of the Moon are known as the highlands. The dark features, called maria (Latin for seas), are impact basins that were filled with lava between 4.2 and 1.2 billion years ago. These light and dark areas represent rocks of different composition and ages, which provide evidence for how the early crust may have crystallized from a lunar magma ocean. The craters themselves, which have been preserved for billions of years, provide an impact history for the Moon and other bodies in the inner solar system.

If you looked in the right places on the Moon, you would find pieces of equipment, American flags, and even a camera left behind by astronauts. While you were there, you'd notice that the gravity on the surface of the Moon is one-sixth of Earth's, which is why in footage of moonwalks, astronauts appear to almost bounce across the surface.

The temperature reaches about 260 degrees Fahrenheit (127 degrees Celsius) when in full sun, but in darkness, the temperatures plummets to about -280 degrees Fahrenheit (-173 degrees Celsius).

The Moon has a very thin and weak atmosphere, called an exosphere. It does not provide any protection from the sun's radiation or impacts from meteoroids.

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Em Elle writes,

" The Moon is a very special celestial body. It serves important functions such as controlling the rise and fall of the tides, and slowing the rotation of planet Earth. The Moon belongs to all of mankind, and no country can claim a celestial body as it's own for any use or occupation. All celestial bodies, including the moon, belong to the ENTIRE mankind of earth (1967 Outer Space Treaty). With the recent Moon landing by the Chinese space probe, is it not time that we began to ask some questions, such as "What gives anyone the right to probe and potentially violate our Moon?" or "Why is this even considered to be OK?" or "Is this not of some concern to us?" and even, maybe most importantly "Did we give our permission?". Very few places on Earth if any, remain untouched by man, the moon included. It would be nice to be able to just sit and look up at our Moon, our good old magical, mysterious Moon, and not to imagine there the presence of machinery, of mining, of man. It does, after all, belong to us all. Let it remain a much beloved mystery. So please, leave our Moon alone. It's not yours. "

Final comments-- " The Moon is one of humanities most sacred objects. It has been with us since the very dawning of our time here on Earth. For most of that time the Moon was our time piece in the sky, our calendar, our night light, our inspiration. For thousands of years humans have planted their crops in accordance with the Moon cycles, even the very menstrual cycles of the human female is linked to the cycles of the Moon. Not a single species of creatures on this planet can escape the influence the Moon has on them. All the oceans of Earth dance with the Moon with the ebb and flow of tides high and low. All forms of vegetation on Earth are tied directly to the light from that Moon. And now to think that a few people on our planet want to exploit that Moon for what ever reason is totally ludicrous, a selfish notion based on greed and ignorance. The good people of Earth must not allow this to happen. The good people of Earth must keep their Moon beautiful, sacred, unadulterated, pristine, and intact for all generations of humans to come on Earth forever. We declare our Moon off limits to human exploitation, mining and or colonization. We declare our Moon a international historic natural treasure for all mankind, and must remain in its natural state for all times future forever. "


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