Why Collaboration is key

Why Collaboration is key

The year 2022 could not have come at a much better time than this .

So much happening all over the world at the same time. Everything seems, to have been staged or planned out by some higher force, superior to the human race.

The Covid-19 pandemic still on going , with new variants springing up; the Russia planned invasion of Ukraine; the political issues in some African countries; the Middle east with her own share of trouble and the list goes on and on. There Is never a dull moment with the human race.

We humans, always and somehow find a way to solve our challenges and evolve to something higher. The survival instinct in humans , has been the major factor why humans have always had the upper hand, despite the challenges we face.

Our collaborative effort always comes to play and helps us deal with challenges despite our race, colour, language, geographical location and more.

This, has made it possible for the human race , to most often find solutions to the challenges common to all.

Collaborating makes you work together with people from different different background, who have different experiences, skill sets, knowledge and perspectives, in order to accomplish goals that benefits everyone.

According to the Cambridge dictionary, Collaboration is defined as,”

the act of working together with other people or organizations to create or achieve something


Why the Need for Collaboration

Collaborations helps :

*with the sharing of knowledge and resources

*with sharing of skills and networking with others

*with a cost effective way doing things and achieving objectives for organizations and individuals

*boost creativity

*builds team work and spirit

How Do you Collaborate?

How you collaborate depends on certain factors that may be peculiar to own situation or circumstances. There are no laid down rules or guide on how to collaborate. Its advisable to at least :


Define the purpose of the collaboration

: this will help you stay focus on the objective and asses progress made as you go on

2.Involve the right people:

it is a common knowledge that involving the right people with make the collaboration effective

3.Encourage a collaborative attitude:

attitude is everything, it can make or break the collaborative efforts.You will do well keep a positive and encouraging collaborative attitude at all times. This will greatly help achieve the desired results of the collaboration faster.

4.Decide on the type of collaboration you want:

this means deciding if you need the collaboration to be an open or a closed collaboration.

Open collaborations

involves people across all sphere of the business or subject matter for which the collaboration is about. Here you will have experts and non experts sharing their ideas, knowledge,experience and everything that as it relates with the issue

Closed Collaboration

involved on the people with expertise on the issue or subject matter.

5.Outline the benefits:

there is need to let your collaborative partners know the benefits they stand to gain from the collaboration. A lot people have very busy schedules and would not want to waste their precious time and effort on a course they do not what the benefits are. An outlined shared benefits with the collaborators with help clear any doubts and encourage coming on-board

There are several other informations and tips to share on the subject collaboration and its benefits, plus its pitfalls. This will be covered in subsequent titles, for now we hope you have learnt a little about collaborations and its benefits.


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