Why Following Trends is NOT the Best Idea for Business
Postagrid? Ltd. 2022

Why Following Trends is NOT the Best Idea for Business

Trends are a great way to understand how people consume media. They feed us information about how to present ourselves and give us a way to connect with people where they are at.

But, if you really want to stand out, following trends isn't enough.

You need to lead the way.

In recent weeks, I have come across an abundance of blog posts and articles about design trends for 2022. "Show optimism," "Go bright or, even better go neon." There are an abundance of opinions spouting "which aesthetic to follow." And, although these articles hold great insights for smaller businesses aiming to scale, they do not inspire leadership. Rather they encourage people to stay at the back of the line and follow the leader.

After all, where do these trends come from?

That's right, market leaders.

For example, Apple was playing with neon in their branding back in 2019. The naysayers called it juvenile. Three years later, it's a trend. Over the next 12-18 months, more and more brands will likely be using neon in their visual media (especially since all the articles are telling people this is the way to go). Of course, Apple will already be moving on.

The trouble with trends is you have to work extra hard to stand out. They are a great "trampoline" strategy. They help bounce you higher for a short time, but to sustain momentum, you need to keep bouncing and you never really get ahead.

To use trends successfully, you need to seek innovative and creative approaches. In other words, you must take the lead.

A quick look through Reels and TikTok will show you what I mean. Trending audio and effects tend to be used in much the same way by most people. But those who try an unusual approach are the ones who get likes, comments, shares, and saves. Full disclosure, I'm not one of them. Short-form video is not my "thing".

Essentially, innovation is key. Even if (especially if) you are following trends.

When it comes to Instagram, there is an abundance of ways to present yourself within (and outside of) the thumbnails. To be honest, most brands have barely scratched the surface of what is possible.

Instagram is a powerful social search engine with an incredibly strong visual approach to discovery and content. It throws the door wide open on innovation. It invites us to play and create and build stories. Following trends isn't enough.

People follow leaders.

Instagram isn't about influence anymore. It's about IMPACT.

Can you really afford to follow? Or are you ready to lead the way?

Let me know in the comments, what do you think about social media trends? Are they helpful, fun, or boring?

#instagram #innovation #socialmediatrends


