Why Coaching is Your Superpower at Work
New research has identified a mismatch between corporate learning packages and what employees are really yearning for at work. In fact, 59% of respondents in a UK wide survey found that coaching was their preferred method of boosting skills, confident and development at work (People Management magazine).
So, whether your people are stuck in silos, fearful of losing face, hiding behind a fa?ade of authority or teetering on burnout… We're going to dive into our top five reasons why utilising the right coaching could drastically change the most negative of situations and help employees thrive in this new world of work.
1. It Helps to Have Someone Alongside
When fear, anxiety or lack of confidence takes hold of a person, the work environment can be a lonely and stressful place. And when this perception takes hold, it significantly impacts the behaviour of your people. They start retreating, feel afraid to speak up in meetings, they won’t want to challenge ideas or spread their innovative wings to attempt a new approach. Our expert EMCC accredited methodology at Untapped AI understands these difficult and hidden emotions; they know how to listen carefully and build a trusting relationship to encourage a more transparent discussion. There can be an incredible sense of support (and relief) in having an empathetic coach alongside you, and simply being able to say those difficult words out loud in a safe and understanding environment is incredibly empowering.
2. Understanding ‘The Why’
At Untapped AI our clients often tell us they lack confidence and struggle with imposter syndrome. All kinds of claims around ‘an overbearing boss’, ‘a lack of knowledge’, ‘a boring role' are presented as the culprits for this belief. But our approach is more interested in what is going on behind the obvious, to encourage a client to think deeply about ‘the why’ behind their actions. Our one-on-one coaching connection in a confidential environment of support builds a trusting platform for exploration; an opportunity to dig into embedded habits, to look at the reasons why they occurred in the first place and why they may be holding a person back. Once this level of self-awareness increases, clients are more able to reflect on their situation, understand unconscious patterns of behaviour and thought, and work towards making significant change as they progress.
3. Building from the Bottom Up
Coaching is an essential support for new managers coming through the ranks. While their talents and ambition have got them to this newfound position of power, they may not be equipped with the skills to perform as an inspirational leader. The transition into a position of authority requires a more nuanced and focused approach, a deeper understanding of their team and the ability to encourage and lead. Without the expertise of a designated coach alongside these newly appointed employees, insecurity can soon build up and filter through the ranks. An anxious manager will not motivate their team, and the knock-on effect can have extensive negative repercussions in the wider organisation.
4. The Top Level Needs Help Too
There’s no denying high stress goes on at the executive level. And while experience and ability are likely to be the trump cards of a top leader, they are not exempt from the challenges a high performance role can take on their mental health. For many leaders, being vulnerable and transparent about what is going on with them isn’t always easy; their management position will push them to step up to the mark and absorb the daily intensity that comes with the territory – that can feel an immense load. It’s a welcome relief to lean on an external coach who can provide a confidential and supportive opportunity to discuss any concerns, help decipher solutions, and to encourage them to focus on priorities and their own wellbeing.
5. It’s Fine to Make Mistakes
To utilise the full potential of your people, they need to feel confident enough to try out new ideas and methods. Inevitably, when innovation goes on, mistakes are sure to happen. But it’s how you deal with these hiccups that matters. Attempting to save your people from any slips up is a form of micro-managing and will instil trepidation and indecision in your team.
Imagine if your employees were empowered to face their fears and overcome the obstructive barriers of doubt, hesitation and benign behaviour. Consider how inspirational you could be as a boss if you urged your people to go for it, supporting them through the stickier parts of the process. A designated Untapped AI coach can help develop this unique approach; building the tools to take significant leaps into unknown territory, encouraging clients to be daring enough to explore the unknown, and turn their perception of ‘mistakes’ into a positive learning curve.
It's clear that coaching provides a host of benefits both for the individual and their organisation. Positive effects can range from feeling greater purpose at work to helping the Executive level navigate tough decisions. What is clear is that the joint benefits need to be at the centre of delivering any organisational coaching programme.
Our Untapped AI Networked Coaching methodology focuses on the collective coaching experience. By increasing self-awareness, EQ, confidence and productivity in your leaders, the tendrils of this positive change will filter through to their teams and influence the culture of the business. Our Untapped AI commitment to a continuous process of support means the individual’s personal growth feeds into the wider network of your organisation, encouraging leaders to spread the power of this systemic coaching method. Capture this cumulative effect and thrive.
Want to find out how Networked Coaching could amplify your employees' experience at work? Head over to our website www.untapped.ai to find out more.