Why is coaching the best option?
Coaching is an increasingly common phenomenon. If we put it into simple terms, coaching is essentially a process that falls between neglecting and directing, it helps someone improve their life performance in different aspects of it. It can often focus on amplifying strengths and overcoming or removing weaknesses, it ought to be a motivating experience for the client that is facilitated by the coach and yet created by them.
It is often said in coach training that there are as many approaches to coaching as there are coach's, I'd go one further and say that there are as many approaches as there are coaching relationships. A good and effective coach will recognise that each client and each relationship is unique, and within that, each session is unique. A great coach will have an adaptive style depending on the needs presented by their client in the moment they are with them, these needs might on occasion be around a goal, or they might be around what the client is using to block their success and forward motion. The needs are not always explicitly expressed, a good coach can dynamically asses need as well as listen to an intellectualised need by their client. When I am training coaching skills I have a well (some might say over) used mantra;
"There is no one right way, there is just what works"?
What coaching is and is not
What coaching is
- An exploration of you and how you are you
- Facilitating independence and autonomy
- Identifying strengths
- Overcoming limitations
- Being transparent and communicating clearly
- Respectfully highlighting limiting patterns and beliefs
- Challenging the way you think and facilitating change
- Assisting in recognising and motivating you beyond your comfort zone
- Exploring choices and possibilities
- Empowering you to take charge in all aspects of your life
- Empowering you to take ownership and be accountable for your impacts
What coaching is not
- Ego stroking
- Telling you what to do and what not to do
- Training
- Withholding information that could upset or frustrate you
- Directing the way we think
- Limiting choices
- Accepting your self imposed limitations
In other words, coaching should give you the impression that there are a myriad of options available to direct your own growth. You should believe that despite the difficulties you will face, it will be worthwhile to overcome them because doing so will allow you to develop new abilities and gain unique experiences.
On the contrary, coaching shouldn't give you the impression that you're trying to progress professionally by temporarily covering up your flaws and focusing on easy wins. It shouldn't have a constrictive or a directed feeling.
Development of oneself and coaching
Self-development refers to the idea of enhancing your abilities and character via your own experiences and choices. This frequently takes place gradually over a very lengthy period of time. People frequently contrast coaching with self-improvement as professional development techniques by pointing out their contrasts.
The truth is that coaching and self-development go hand in hand in a variety of ways.
As was discussed in the previous section, a big part of coaching is assisting you in understanding the options open to you. It broadens your perspective by offering many scenarios and settings that can be applied to solve issues. Self-development emphasises purposeful improvement through emphasising innate abilities, skills, and knowledge. To give you a feeling of direction as you learn new abilities, it also heavily emphasises embracing both weaknesses and talents.
If self-development is about having an unambiguous picture of who you want to be in the future, coaching is the structure that takes the strain whilst on route.
How coaching affects the brain
We are aware that the main goals of coaching are to broaden your perspective and alter your style of thinking. But this is more than just a theoretical idea; it actually affects how our brain functions.
Our brain is a dynamic organ. It constantly builds neural networks and pathways that connect all of our memories, emotions, and various feelings. Our brain rewires neural networks when they are underutilised or infrequently used to strengthen the things we value more.
Nevertheless, utilising these untapped cerebral pathways can help us see things from new perspectives. It might be challenging to see outside our comfort zones when we become overly acclimated to something, like the way we construct our comfort zones. Through coaching, we can alter these neural connections so that we can discover new possibilities and discover fresh ways to engage with the world.
How coaching may help us step outside of our comfort zones is a terrific illustration of this. Our comfort zone is defined by the behaviours and procedures to which we have grown habituated. This makes it challenging for us to emerge from this shell. In other words, we can't instinctively understand new possibilities without a little prodding since our cerebral pathways have become so strong. A push in the correct direction, coaching is a leap-of-faith challenge for our brains that creates new neural connections and opens our eyes to a world of new options and possibilities.
How to maximise a coaching programme
The freedom that coaching affords you to explore your ideas will help you become more aware of both your limitations and your possibilities. There are a few things to keep in mind in order to get the most out of participation.
Keep in mind?your coaching objectives. It's a free environment where you can express your ideas and obtain direct feedback and reflections from a professional and well trained expert, it can sometimes be tempting to veer from your course, your coach should bring you back and re-align you with your objectives.
Explore what inspires and motivates you. Understanding what motivates and energises you emerges?through coaching.
Determine your comfort zone and make an effort to leave it. You can learn more about your comfort zone and the reasons you're stuck there through coaching. Your coach can offer suggestions on how to escape that familiarity and open yourself up to a world of opportunities.
How would you define success? This is an important question that you need to be asking. You'll be able to define what success means to you during your coaching sessions, and your coach will work with you to create a plan of action to get there.
Coaching is one of the most effective ways to better understand yourself and what motivates you, and there's no reason it can't be accessible for everyone. This can be a huge benefit for one's personal growth and be a fantastic tool for longer-term career advancement support.
You can message me directly with questions about coaching services and coach development. We'll try to respond to you within a day.