Jorge Mata Torres
Who's Who Member | Outstanding Young Men of America | National Honor Society | International University Professor | PhD Humane Letters | MBA International Trade | BS Communications | London College | University of Texas
Does the Lord lie, change His mind, forget or break His covenants, oaths, or promises? He does not - He tells you so Himself. Christianity's entire foundation is based on the heretical belief He does. Unfortunately, most Christians tend to associate Christianity with Christ, so in their mind to debunk Christianity is to debunk Christ when nothing could be further from the truth. Christ has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. The following brief facts and scriptures proves it:
Christianity is an anti-Christ, anti-God cult because it completely rejects the 4 eternal Gospels of the Lord and eternal Word of God. Its followers foolishly believe the Lord changed His mind, lied, or forgot what He proclaimed which is egregiously blasphemous. Christ NEVER claimed anyone was "saved by grace", declaring He is your savior automatically saves you, by His blood you are saved, nor His Father's eternal Torah (meaning "teaching" falsely translated as "Law") was abolished or a curse which completely contradicts what He proclaimed in?Matt 5:18 & Matt 7:21-23. These heresies come from the bipolar, deceiving Pharisee hypocrite Paul - Christians real "jesus" whose antichrist lawless doctrine they blindly accepted over the eternal life Gospel of the Lord. The ultimate Pharisee hypocrite of all, Paul never believed in his own heretical doctrine that has condemned billions to hell - he in fact kept and upheld the Law his entire life (Acts 24:14), declared the man of Lawlessness is the son of destruction (2 Thess. 2:3), and proclaimed only those who keep the Law will be righteous at Judgment (Rom 2:12-13).
All Christians are under the curse of God (Deut. 11:26-28?who does not lie nor changes His mind (1 Sam 15:29, Num 23:19, Heb 15:8) and they are also under the curse of their Pharisee god Paul (Gal. 1:6-8). There is no "Gospel according to Paul" only the 4 Gospels of the Lord which antichrist evangelists, pastors, priests, ministers, and ′popes totally reject. God allowed Satan to test humanity's loyalty to His eternal Word and billions of Christians miserably failed it.
FACE FACTS:?Christians have never followed Christ, are deceived, and cursed. May God have mercy on those who never knew the truth and to those that remain in denial till Judgment who rejected the eternal Gospel of the Lord (Rev 14:6) who never founded, named, taught, nor preached this blasphemous garbage which does not appear in the oldest 2 Bibles - it was invented and interpolated into later Bibles by pagan Rome - it's pure snake oil BS. Christianity has 12 major sects and 40,000 denominations because they can't get their lies straight.
For the awakened to this monumental Satanic deception (Rev. 12:9), there is a silver lining. The true Word of God is finally revealed:
GODCODE: The Secret to the True Word of God
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