Why choose an Australian Managed WordPress provider?
Your WordPress site needs high-end security, performance, and the right SEO to generate success for your business. An Australian Managed WordPress provider meets these requirements in your local area and at a higher standard than an overseas provider.
Here are a few compelling reasons for you to choose an Australian-based Managed WordPress provider:
Keep your data in Australia
More businesses have prioritised data sovereignty as malicious privacy invasions increase. Data sovereignty ensures data stored by the hosting company is subject to the host country’s governance rules and laws.
Australian Managed WordPress providers keep your data in Australia and protect you against acting security concerns. It is mandatory for Australian data storage to comply with domestic law; similar requirements do not apply to foreign companies.
Choosing Managed WordPress in Australia ensures that you keep your customer data secure in domestic Australian data centers. Working with a domestic provider helps you comply with data sovereignty requirements by establishing a secure data handling environment. Doing so also helps you comply with active data protection legislation enacted by the Australian government.
?Improve site load speed
Conventional site owners are often unaware of the site performance differences between offshore and domestic servers. Most people do not notice their offshore web host’s impact on site performance when the delay is a few milliseconds. Customers might notice a visible difference in page load speed, especially eCommerce businesses where customers are looking for a rapid response interface.
A major reason behind the delay is the time data takes to travel back and forth to Australian consumers through underwater cables. These cables are cramped with traffic, and peak hours can lead to noticeable lag time for customers. Opting for an Australian Managed WordPress provider allows you to skip all the trouble and have viable, localised data storage for consumers. This means consumer requests do not have to travel halfway around the world for a simple request allowing customers to have a lightning-fast experience.
Going with an Australian provider lets you take advantage of improved site load speed and personalised support. For businesses looking to target Australian consumers, Australian WordPress hosting can be the optimal option. Domestic Managed WordPress can cater to both your reliability and performance requirements with exceptional consistency.
Another essential aspect in this regard is the impact local web hosting has on search results. Google has also specified site load speed as a major metric in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) rankings and localised search results.
Rank higher with local SEO
You need to be aware of all the contributing factors that can make a major difference in your visibility rankings on leading search engines. One of the biggest priorities for Australian businesses is to have visibility on local search engine results. You want to make it simple for your local clients to look up your business amongst your competitors.
Local SEO gives you better coverage for common local searches as Google conveys a preference for local content creators. For example, a law firm in Brisbane would have a lot of competition over traffic from search engines in their local niche.
Working with a proven Australian Managed WordPress provider is a great way to allow your business to rank higher with local SEO, ensuring better visibility of your business.
This improved visibility usually comes as a result of the way Google indexes localised search engine results. The company highlights local organic content to improve local search accuracy.
Even though it is difficult to have a clear list of all the metrics Google considers for search engine visibility, a local data server is a major contributing factor in improving business visibility. Choosing an Australian Managed WordPress provider allows you to improve your search engine visibility and enhance your indexing speed based on local server location.
Get support in your time zone
Many overseas companies claim to have 24/7 support, but upon calling you experience language barriers and automated messages from programmed chatbots. Companies without 24/7 support require you to coordinate their opening times as they do not operate in your time zone.
Choosing an Australian Managed WordPress provider can be a great way to bridge the time zone gap. A local hosting provider offers seamless support from personalised agents in your time zone. A local team can be an important decision-making factor for businesses looking to have reliable support.
Local support also means you talk to someone who understands your requirements from a local perspective. You can avoid the hassle of wasting time with language barriers and stuck in a situation where you are struggling to get your point across to offshore agents. It is important to choose a company with dedicated Australian support staff to get quality support whenever you need it.
Business owners need rapid response solutions so their operations can continue seamlessly. Local support in your time zone makes all the difference, whether it is potential support for a mail client integration or immediate setup help
Managed WordPress with Conetix
Conetix provides Australian businesses with fast and reliable hosting on an Australian-based cloud network. Our Managed WordPress plans include all updates, including those to the core system, plugins and themes, all backed by our friendly and knowledgeable support team.
Visit our Managed WordPress page to learn more about the local benefits Conetix can offer your business.